With Jonah Hill passing on the film and Paul Dano being cast as the Riddler, who do you want to see play Penguin?
What about josh gad for the role of the penguin... or outside the box with Sean astin...
They are good choices to
James Corden as Penguin, and I agree, David Tennant should play Riddler.
Cory Michael Smith (Riddler) and Robin Lord Taylor (Penguin)! I love their roles in the series Gotham?
Nicholas Hoult as Riddler (I know, original) and how about Rebel Wilson as Penguin? Out of the box, I know, but they do like to switch up character races and genders, so why not?
Never mind Paul Dano is playing the Riddler, but I still think James Corden should be Penguin.
Two days ago they said Jonah Hill *is* playing the Riddler. Until the studio says it, no one *is* playing the role.
I think the Riddler should be Zack Efron and The Penguin should be Josh Brolin who was Thanos from Avengers Endgame
Why not Benedict Cumberbatch for Riddler
Because he can’t he is doing Doctor Strange the Multiverse of Evil Marvel movie
What do you think?