So he went through a super human experiment. So why is it that he basically always gets beat by Batman? And I understand that he is the peak male form but like how does the dude beat deathstroke so much?
So he went through a super human experiment. So why is it that he basically always gets beat by Batman? And I understand that he is the peak male form but like how does the dude beat deathstroke so much?
Skills experience and genius level intellect for Batman
I think Jordan meant plot-armor. Realistically, Batman really should lose any battle with him. Slade's had more experience than Bruce and his abilities are more enhanced to the point where he really should beat Batman. His intellect has also been enhanced beyond regular human capacity, at least according to Pre-Crisis sources. I also like to bring up the fact that Deathstroke was once able to hold off the ENTIRE Justice League during the Identity Crisis event, something Batman hasn't been able to do in any comic story.
No not plot Armor and there fights have Batman winning and Deathstroke winning half as much
Mc dark knight, I was just going to mention identity crisis! That set a strong tone for his character moving forward. Also they usually are not easy wins for Bruce. A lot of them boil down to tech, getting the jump on Slade, and the sheer fact no one likes to write Batman losing unless something massive will come from it lmfao (ex. Knightfall, City of Bane)
He doesn’t always lose to Batman, he’s beaten Batman multiple times. However, Batman is likely to beat Deathstroke in a Batman book and Deathstroke is likely to beat Batman in a Deathstroke book.
What do you think?