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81 Votes in Poll
32 Votes in Poll
I think Crisis on Infinite Earths can be used to explain how Earth-89 and Earth-97 were originally one universe. It wasn't until 2021 that the Burton and Schumacher films were officially separate universes. So, we'll have 3 timelines.
Earth-89 (Pre-Crisis)
1989: Batman
1992: Batman Returns
1995: Batman Forever
1997: Batman and Robin
2004: Catwoman*
2019: Supergirl Season 5 Episode 9: 'Crisis on Infinite Earths Part One'
Earth-89 (Post-Crisis)
1989: Batman
1992: Batman Returns
1993: Batman '89*
2003: Batman '89 #6 Dream Sequence*
2013: The Flash
2022: Birds of Prey*
Earth-97 (Post-Crisis)
1995: Batman Forever
1997: Batman and Robin
* #1 Assuming you consider Catwoman 2004
*#2 This isn't a confirmed date, this is just what I went with.
*#3 and #4: This is assuming you consider the Dream Sequence to be real and the Birds of Prey TV show to be cannon.
Hey guys, have a story going up soon regarding Batman Forever and curious what your thoughts are on the movie 28 years after its release. Would love to include some quotes in the article from this wiki if you want to share in this thread.
Is is Crazy that the MatsudaVerse Gotham (The Batman 2004 series) almost resembles the SchumacherVerse Gotham?
How come Bruce doesn’t want to work with Robin as a partner?
Batman: Who's your tailor?
Alfred Pennyworth: I took the liberty, sir.
Batman: R. What's that stand for?
Robin: Robin.
Bruce Wayne: Were all the Batsuits destroyed, Alfred?
Alfred Pennyworth: All except the prototype with the sonar modifications you invented. But you haven't tested it yet.
Bruce Wayne: Tonight's a good night.
112 Votes in Poll
Hi all,
With the recent announcement of Batman '89, I think now is a good time to consider splitting the Burtonverse pages again. This should be a decision Phantom Stranger and I should make ourselves, but I think it's better to consult the community before we go through with it.
On the current Burtonverse pages, we'll write the events of the 89 Batman film and Batman Returns. These pages will stop at those events and we would add a "different fates" paragraph, which link to the new pages and possibly brief synopsis of these events.
The events of Batman Forever and Batman & Robin will be moved to new pages, which we could call "Schumacherverse". These pages could recap the events of the Burton films briefly, with links to the Burtonverse pages. However, we will have to make it clear the films are only one version of events.
Finally, Batman '89 gets its own pages and events, which details the events of the comics and its character. We'll have to create new ones for them, but make it clear that they take place in another timeline/version of events.
This will add a lot more confusion to new visitors/contributors, but it would allow us more creative freedom on these pages. It would also allow for both continuities to be the same, but also for events to have gone differently. We could also create a new page for Keaton's Batman in The Flash, claiming it's another version, or we could also add it to the Burtonverse page, saying the other Batmen seen are other timelines/universes for this incarnation.
Alternatively, we could stay on the one page but say how each event is a different account, similar to how the TARDIS wiki handles contradictions in Doctor Who's mythos. However, this would make the pages excessively long and over confusing.
Would you prefer the pages be split or just continue them as they are? Let us know your thoughts and if you'd like to see this approach for diverging Batman incarnations.
Edited to remove link syntax, as it doesn't seem to work on forum posts.
88 Votes in Poll
151 Votes in Poll
Today Joel Schumacher passes away from cancer. While his Batman movies weren’t good they contributed a lot to Batman as a character. Comment your thoughts bellow.
120 Votes in Poll
73 Votes in Poll