Gotham's Riddler for me
Arkham Knight Joker
I mean why not though I doubt they would make it...haha!
Nah! No worries:)
Just curious, are every wiki reps are asked to post this on their assigned community cuz this is the fourth wiki I'm getting notif for bug fix? Haha...
Looks great👍
I think he enjoyed being evil.
Online or offline shops
This is going enough. Locking for cool down.
I can understand. But sorry banning polls might make this wiki even more inactive then it already is.
May be wait for other mods to hear their opinion...
Welcome to the wiki!
@ OP
Discussions is a place meant for fun and light conversation. We cannot ban polls since restricting content is not what we want. Polls were introduced on fandom not because they have to be banned on wikis.
If you are really interested in insightful Discussions start it yourself, I'm sure people would respond it.
But we cannot restrict this community to only a few people who like insightful Discussions and neglect people who are here just for fun.
@Ykomat Pls be civil and voice your opinion without using profanities in your post.
Noone can be more evil than Joker. His laugh alone gives me creeps.
Ra's Al ghul for me
It was not Gordon to decide the fate of Joker. Plus I don't think he had enough links to catch him so relying on batman to hand him over to him and not kill him was not a bad idea.
I really wished Harvey never turned into two face cuz I liked him a lot as a character. Shifting from the good side to evil side is the least important thing I like about the movies.
Good image