Was looking up Robin for the DCEU and this popped up. What do you think?
Batarang and Grapnel Gun
Become Robin, then eventually become Bruce’s successor.
Deathstroke without a shadow of a doubt
“A hero can be anyone. Even a man doing something as simple and reassuring as putting a coat around a young boy’s shoulders to let him know that the world hadn’t ended.”
The Blood Son
Oh Wow! ??
I personally don’t see Mikey in Damian due to him being so serious. After all he is his father’s son. ??
Was looking up Robin for the DCEU and this popped up. What do you think?
My personal favorite is Knightmare.
Which Batfleck suit is your favorite?
I personally enjoyed all the games in the series. I just wish they made more.
I second GothamKnight’s list
I personally don’t have a preference.
IKR especially not Damian Wayne.
No problem I think you’ll enjoy it.
? No a promo was released earlier this week.
I thought it was funny how Dick found out that Batman moved on to another partner and that he lets him drive the Batmobile.
What are your thoughts on Jason Todd appearing in Titans and what was your expression when he and Dick Grayson met?
I remember it like it was yesterday when Affleck was announced to be the next Batman. And I kept wondering what’s he going to bring to the mantle similar but at the same time differently than Baleman? Now that I’ve warmed up to his Batman, I really don’t want to see him go.