He'd have to go out like a hero, not simply being offed by a villain. I'd have an aged Bruce (nix the suit) being gunned down saving a family from a mugger. At the end of the day, he's just a guy putting his life on the line to save others from suffering the same injustice he endured as a child.
I can't really do much with that link because I'm on my phone and it doesn't seem to be mobile friendly.
Implications in the past. I believe one of the Loeb/Sale books has Alfred mentioning how Bruce isn't much for prayer. Then there's the "And I cannot even pray, for I have no god." line from Arkham Asylum. Generally, he's a rational thinker and a man of science. It would make sense.
I've always seen him as an atheist.
Can't agree with that either. I prefer my Batman to be more like the comics version and less tethered to faux realism. It's a good movie, but not at all like the Batman I know.
Perfect? Nah.
Wonder Woman was fine until the third act. Then it's all downhill. Still, I guess you can't expect it to be perfect.
"You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become The Dark Knight Rises."
They're pretty much hit or miss. Mask of the Phantasm is still the best.
Affleck was pretty cool in BvS. Too jokey in Justice League. Keaton was also good, but I think he tends to be a bit overrated because he was the first serious take on the character.
Hard to say without seeing the whole picture. Could be the regular Clooney suit, but the color is wrong.
More entertaining than Batman 89. Keaton really improved his performance as Batman, and the suit was much better. Possibly my favorite live action batsuit. Overall, it's campy fun with some of the best visuals in the franchise.
They need to take their time and craft a universe, rather than fast tracking to compete with Marvel.
Honestly, I feel like they'd do better to make non-connected solo movies at this point.
Arkham City, with Asylum being second. I can't see how Arkham Knight is above Asylum. The whole Be the Batman marketing campaign was a complete load. I've haven't felt less like Batman in a video game since Dark Tomorrow. That and the story was pretty weak. Joker was used as a crutch, and any Batman fan could see the Arkham Knight twist coming from a mile away, even before release. I just hope if Rocksteady is making another Batman game they learn from their mistakes and spend more time and effort crafting a story.