Hello Vinnie, Its your uncle Bingo. Time to pay the check.
Never rub another man’s rhubarb.
Really didn’t seem like it. Anyway it’s just my opinion!!!
Everyone has an opinion that’s correct, but the opinion needs to make sense where most of yours don’t.
No I’m just stating the obvious
@Devinpoltergeist I understand what your saying and I seen that easter egg while playing AC. I’m just saying Hush would of been a better main villain as his side mission had a great build up and was left open for something great.
Just a heads up bout Jordan, he’s a bit slow, so everything he thinks off he believes it will come true and there’s no arguing with him bout it.
Hush should of been the main villain after Arkham City. His side mission in AC was building up to be something great and then it was wasted in AK.
I love Rocksteady’s Arkham Trilogy (Origins aint included cause WB Montreal made it) a lot but Arkham Knight would be the weakest out of all them for me.
Arkham City 10/10
Arkham Asylum 9/10
Arkham Knight 7/10
Only Spider-man game that can come close to Arkham City is Marvel’s Spider-man. But Arkham City would still win.
@Ethan macey He literally didn’t die in this role he died while making The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus. His performance wasn’t even the best in Dark Knight, Aaron Eckhart as Harvey Dent/Two Face was easily the best preformance. But does he get any recognition. No not really cause Heath Ledger passed away before the film released and everything was about him. If he was still alive would he of won the oscar, no not a chance.
@Joker1943 I agree he should be in the top 5, I personally would have Cesar Romero ahead of him.
I’m so happy to see Jack Nicholson and Mark Hamill higher than Heath Ledger. Easily the two best versions of the Joker. And Ledger is overrated to be honest.
Well that would be true, as you think about it Ezra Miller has only played the Flash in 1 movie and had a few cameos were Grant Gustin has been the Flash for 7 seasons of the tv show.
You want to be asking this question in the DC wiki if you think Superman has any chance of winning, well to be honest he probably still wont.
Black Mask (not Ewan McGregor version) and Hush
Keaton and Affleck were better as Batman than Bale.
Kilmer and Clooney were better as Bruce Wayne than Bale.
Also Ledger’s Joker is overrated. Yeah I said it.
Nicholson all the way.
Movie: Batman
Game: Arkham City
One of his main enemies, no. He’s more an enemy to the teen titans than batman.
If it reminds you of Tim Burton’s Batman then that must be good cause Batman and Batman Returns are better than Nolan’s trilogy.
Looks interesting, will it be better than any of the Rocksteady Arkham trilogy or Origins, still to early to judge.