Batman '66: The Lost Episode is a one-shot comic in the Batman '66 series. The issue is based on an abandoned story for the 1966 Batman series.
Plot Summary[]
"The Two-Way Crimes of Two-Face"[]
At Northby's Auction House, Aunt Harriet tends an auction for the Chang Dynasty Blue Porcelain Glazes collection. As everyone examines the collection, one of the auctioneer's face melts from the heat of a candle, revealing himself as Two-Face, along with his twin henchmen, and the villains made their escape with the collection.
After hearing about Two-Face's robbery, Commissioner Gordon and Chief O'Hara summoned Batman and Robin to the auction house, where two St. Bernard dogs enter with a red wagon carrying the collection now complete with the missing piece, making Batman realize that Two-Face flipped his coin onto the good side. Later at the Batcave, Batman reminisces his previous attendance at Gotham City Court where Harvey Dent was prosecuting mob boss, Sal "Lucky" Maroni. During the prosecution, Maroni threw a bottle of acid at Dent in an attempt to kill him, but Batman leapt between them to protect Dent with his cape, but Dent was scarred on the left side of his face by the acid, turning him into Two-Face.
For the next two weeks, Two-Face went on a two-themed crime spree, while the Dynamic Duo worked hard to solve the villain's caper. Deciding that they must divide to stop Two-Face's plan, Batman and Robin split up to thwart the two different crimes.
Arriving at the Gotham Motorway Race Track in the Batmobile, Batman pursued Two-Face and his thugs in their getaway motorbikes and shoots a Bat-Tracker at Two-Face's bike, which leaves a special trail for Batman to follow. Meanwhile, Robin arrives at the racetrack yard on the Batcycle, and he finds Batman's trail which them to the old Gotham Observatory where Batman fought Two-Face and his cronies. But before the villain could kill Batman, the Caped Crusader blinds Two-Face with sunlight reflected off his utility belt and fought him just before Robin arrived and slipped on the bullet casings on the floor, causing him to collide with Batman and Two-Face and his cronies make their escape.
Back at Wayne Manor, Bruce came up with a way to stop Two-Face for good, and he and Dick head to the Batcave and raced off to Gotham as Batman and Robin. While driving in the Batmobile, the Dynamic Duo received a radio broadcast from Two-Face announcing that he is going to steal the twin tiaras from the Twin Princesses of Yakapur at 2AM at Dock Two. Realizing that Two-Face is challenging them, Batman and Robin arrived in the Batcopter, just after Two-Face stole the tiaras and escape in his catamaran. As the heroes pursued the villain and his goons, the boat suddenly vanishes underwater, and Batman dives in after it, and he discovers an underwater cavern with an old pirate ship in it. Climbing aboard the ship, Batman defeats Two-Face's goons, but Two-Face knocks him out with one of the ship's masts and ties him up onto a chair.
As Batman regains consciousness, he discovers that Two-Face is going to kill him with the Sword of Damocles. As Two-Face prepared to toss his coin, Batman makes him agree to surrender if the coin lands on its edge. But when Two-Face flipped his coin, it landed on its edge, much to the horror of the villain, and Batman breaks free and defeats the goons and fought Two-Face who instantly surrenders.
At Wayne Manor, Dick apologizes to Bruce for getting lost in the underwater catacombs, and Alfred asks Bruce about the standing-on-edge coin tricks. Bruce explains that he switched Two-Face's real coin with a duplicate during their struggle. When Alfred asks about Dent, Bruce inquires that all depends on the doctors and fate to restore Dent to normal.
Behind the Scenes[]
During the success of the Batman 1960s series, writer Harlan Ellison proposed an episode that would introduce the well-known comic villain, Two-Face. The character was deemed too scary for younger viewers, so the proposal never proceeded to full script.
On November 19, 2014, DC Comics released a comic book about this "lost episode", called The Two-Way Crimes of Two-Face.
In October 2017, an animated movie (also based on the 1960s series), Batman vs. Two-Face, featured a new story about Two-Face, and featuring the voice and likeness of William Shatner.