Batman Wiki
Batman Wiki

"Fear is a tool. When that light hits the sky. It's not just a call. It's a warning."
―Batman's journal entry[src]

The Batman is the vigilante alias of billionaire Bruce Wayne. After witnessing his parents' brutal murder, he waged war against crime in Gotham City. During his second year, Batman would become involved in investigations into the Riddler, a serial killer targeting the city's elite, and a city-wide conspiracy involving his own parents.


Early Life

Bruce Wayne was born to billionaire Thomas Wayne and his wife Martha Arkham. Until the rough age of eight, he grew up under the care of his parents on their family's estate outside of Gotham. However, the family later moved to a penthouse at the top of Wayne Tower after the building's completion. Bruce was also looked after by the family associate Alfred Pennyworth, a former intelligence agent employed as the family's butler.

At the age of ten, Bruce witnessed his parents' murder by an unknown mugger after a night at the theatre. Taken under Alfred's care, he began training in various forms of martial arts and combat to cope with the trauma and anger from the event. Bruce also began dabbling in mechanical engineering and fields of science. One account suggests he became a street racer at the age of seventeen, using a renovated muscle car to take part in these. Bruce also hid most of his equipment in an abandoned subway station located under Wayne Tower. However, he gave up these activities after foiling an attempt to sabotage a race.[1]

First Years of Operations

By his late-twenties, Bruce began operating as a vigilante to fight Gotham's high crime rate and corruption. Inspired by bats which resided in the station, he created a armored uniform to intimidate his enemies and making him invulnerable to gunfire, quickly becoming an urban legend called the "Batman." Bruce also used the abandoned station to house the equipment used in the activities, including his vehicles and the computer system. When out on the street, he would don the identity of the Drifter, using it to covertly investigate targets.

Bruce also maintained journals to keep track of his activities and keep his grip on reality, even referring to cameras in his contact lenses to ensure he remembered details. To maintain a low profile, Bruce also lived reclusively at his penthouse, rarely appearing at public events or being involved with his family's company. He would maintain contact with Alfred, who acted as his sole confidant and assisted him is activities, and housekeeper Dory, who was unaware of their activities.

Over his first year, Batman also built a working relationship with Lt. James Gordon, who became his main contact in the Gotham City Police Department. The two would work together to capture criminals and aid in investigations. Batman also began to obtain a small following as rumors of his existence became more publicly known.[2]

By his second year, Batman had become known to both Gotham's citizens and the police alike. Many had grown fearful of him, with the police also distrustful of his activities. By July of that year, Batman and Gordon set up searchlight projector within an abandoned construction project. The beam of light bore his insignia, inspiring fear among criminals while it was being used by the duo to summon eachother to in-person meetings.[3] By this time, he had grown to be feared by the criminal populace, though Bruce had grown disheartened about whether his activities were making a positive difference.

The Batman

Halloween Conflicts

During Halloween, Bruce patrolled the city as "the Drifter", using the celebrations to blend in unseen. After changing into his Batsuit, he began patrolling the city. Happening upon a gang as they attacked a civilian, Batman made his presence known as they attempted to force an initiate into attacking them. After dispatching their leader, Batman fought and subdued most of the group. As the remaining members fled, he noticed the Bat-Signal ignited, leading him to meet with Gordon.

Investigating the Mayor's Murder

Learning of Mayor Don Mitchell Jr.'s murder, Batman attended to the scene with the GCPD's oversight. Despite animosity from the officers, they allowed him to view the scene. During it, Batman learned that the killer had left a message and a cryptograph addressed to him. Quickly solving a riddle left in the message, he was forced to leave the scene when Commissioner Savage arrived and demanded his removal. As he left, Bruce noticed the Mayor's son, though did not comfort the boy. After changing into his Drifter outfit, Bruce watched Savage address a press conference on Mitchell's murder before returning to the Batcave.

After updating his journals, Bruce used feed from his contact lenses to capture images of the message and cryptography to investigate further. He and Alfred then began investigating whilst they waited for investors, keeping it hidden from Dory. Eventually, Bruce realized that the message left cryptography symbols that translated to the riddle's answer, using it to pick out another clue: "DRIVE".

Believing the killer had left something in one of Mitchell's cars, Batman and Gordon investigated to find a "thumb drive" left in one of them. After plugging it into a computer, they discovered it contained photographs of Mitchell and several associates of the Falcone Crime Syndicate, including the Penguin and an unknown woman. Deciding to confront the mobster, Batman had several of the photos printed out and set out for his nightclub, the Iceberg Lounge.

Meeting Selina Kyle

After fighting his way through both bouncers and mobsters alike, Batman meets with Penguin and talks privately in his office. As he showed the mobster the photos, Batman noticed a waitress, Selina Kyle, and recognized her as one of the mobster's Drops dealers. After attempting to intimidate Penguin, Batman left to investigate her further after noticing she wore similar boots to the woman in the photographs. After Kyle left, Bruce tailed her as the Drifter, leading him to her apartment.

Spying from the rooftops, Bruce learned that Kyle was roommates with the woman in the photograph: Annika Kosolov. He also witnessed Kyle change into a cat-burglar costume and followed her to Mitchell's office. After she broke into the mayor's safe, he made his presence known to her and fought over a document she'd stolen from it. After subduing her, Batman learned that Kyle was actually after Annika's passport and confronted Kyle over the murder. The cat-burglar denied involvement and, after narrowly avoiding a cop guarding the crime-scene, decided to talk with her about any connection she had to the attack.

Returning to Kyle's apartment, they discovered the apartment ransacked and Annika missing. As Kyle investigated further, Batman noticed a news report which revealed that Commissioner Savage had also been murdered by the killer and professed his identity as "the Riddler". With her innocence proven, Batman decided to cooperate with her, offering to help find Annika if she helped with the investigation into the Riddler. During the conversation, he learned that the Iceberg Lounge was actually a front with Falcone operating an illegal club called the 44 Below beneath it.

Arriving at the GCPD's morgue, Batman began examining Savage's corpse with Gordon and the contraption used to murder him. Investigating further, they discovered another clue for him and a message left in the maze. After they were interrupted by Officer Martinez, Batman left the scene to continue his investigations. Bruce would also pass this information to Alfred to help solve the case.

44 Below Infiltration

The following night, Batman met with Selina at an abandoned apartment building located opposite the Iceberg Lounge, setting up surveillance equipment to monitor her inside. After ensuring that Kyle had equipped contact lenses correctly, Batman sent her into the club. Using ID systems in the camera, he was able to identify several corrupt officials and officers, including GCPD Dt. William Kenzie and DA Gil Colson. Encouraging Kyle to interact with the latter, he learned over the conversation that the Maroni Drug Bust, in which both Mitchell and Savage were involved in, had relied on a "rat" which they were keen to keep secret. After Kyle encountered Carmine Falcone, Batman noted her friendly relationship with the mobster and challenged it. However, Kyle cut off communications, feeling uncomfortable answering to him.

Summoning Gordon via the Batsignal, Batman relayed his discoveries and deduced that Riddler was targeting corrupt officials connected to the Maroni bust. Believing that Colson would likely be next, he suggested they set up protection of the DA and other officials connected to the case.

Attack on Mitchell's Funeral

Though closer to discovering the Riddler's motivations, Bruce decided to attend Mitchell's funeral to see whether the serial killer would attend, hoping he'd shadow the proceedings. During last-minute preparations, he and Alfred discussed details of the case, including a rough translation of the message left on Savage's trap: "You are el Rata Alada". As he arrived at the venue, Bruce found both mourners and protesters outside the venue, some of whom taking Riddler's symbol. After briefly mistaking someone for Selina, Bruce met with Falcone, during which the mobster talked about how his father saved the mobster's life.

After meeting with a disgruntled citizen and Bella Reál, he overheard Gordon and other officers talking about Colson's disappearance the previous night. After hearing screams outside, Bruce noticed Riddler watching from a balcony above as a car drove into the funeral. After knocking Mitchell's son out of the way, Bruce watched as the driver, Colson, exited the vehicle, revealing a bomb collar and another message to Batman.

By the late evening, Batman arrived on the scene and met with Colson. After removing his gag, Batman read Riddler's message and answered a phone call. As they interacted, he learned that he was part of Riddler's plans, though the killer quickly turned his attention to Colson. As Riddler forced Colson to answer three riddles in exchange for his life, Batman helped by solving the two riddles. However, Colson refused to answer the final one: the "rat" in the Maroni case. Though he tried to encourage him to answer it, Batman learned that the conspiracy covered the entire of Gotham's political system. He was knocked out when the collar detonated, killing Colson.

Taken into GCPD custody, Batman regained consciousness just as one of the officers attempted to unmask him. After fighting them off, he and Chief Bock argued on his responsibility in the attack and corruption in the GCPD. Eventually, Gordon talked the other officers into allowing them to talk privately, during which he slipped Batman the keys to the rooftop to escape. After pointing out Kenzie in the crowd and his involvement with the Falcone Crime Syndicate, Batman hit Gordon to draw attention away and made his way to the rooftop. After reaching it, he equipped his wingsuit and made an escape by gliding to the street below, though received minor injuries in a botched landing attempt.

Chasing the Penguin

Returning to the Bat-Signal, Batman and Gordon discussed the latest clues from Riddler's clues. Believing "el Rata Alada" to be a rough Spanish translation of "stool pigeon", they came to believe that Penguin was the rat and decided to investigate him further. Following him from the Iceberg Lounge, Batman tailed Penguin to a recycling plant in Gotham's East Side. Investigating the area, he discovered that the mobster had taken over drops production after Maroni's arrest, thereby establishing a motive.

Noticing Catwoman arrive on the scene, Batman confronted her as she attempted to steal money from Kenzie's car. As she took the bags out, they discovered Annika's corpse. Moments later, Penguin and his men discovered them and opened fire. Though he appeared to be knocked out by the first shots, Batman managed to slip away as a gunfight began between Gordon and the mobsters. Moving into the Batmobile, he used its engines to intimidate Penguin into fleeing. As the mobster fled the scene, he gave chase in the car, navigating traffic and going off-road to catch up with him. Eventually, a desperate Penguin caused a crash to escape Batman. However, he managed to navigate the wreckage and rammed Penguin's car, causing him to crash and ending the chase.

Taking Penguin into custody, Batman reconvened with Gordon and confronted the mobster on the evidence. Passing through their understanding of the Maroni bust, they confronted him on Riddler's identity and accused him of giving him up escape heavy sentence for another crime. However, Penguin denied the allegations and, when confronted with the transcribed script, pointed out that a mistake in the translation. As they re-evaluated their evidence, Batman realized that the "you are el" meant URL, thus Riddler had left them a domain to his website.

Investigating through a portable computer unit, Batman made contact with Riddler. Through the conversation, he learned that Penguin wasn't the rat and that Riddler planned another attack. After solving another riddle left by the criminal, Batman realized that they needed to investigate the abandoned Gotham Orphanage, leaving a bound Penguin behind to ensure they arrived in time.

Sins of the Father

Upon breaking in, Batman and Gordon discovered graffiti pointing into the abandoned house. After navigating the hallways, they discovered a projector showing Thomas Wayne's announcement for Mayor and a message claiming that "Renewal is a lie". Realizing he was the next target, Batman quickly left, hoping to return to Wayne Tower before the attack took place. Attempting to call Alfred, he instead got in contact with Dory, who revealed that a bomb had gone off in the penthouse and Pennyworth had been injured.

Bruce personally attended to the scene, where he discovered another message from Riddler. After checking on Alfred in hospital, Bruce began investigating further and realized that Riddler's targets revolved around the Gotham Renewal Program, which had been established by his father shortly before his murder. As he investigated the books for Riddler's clue, Bruce was contacted by Selina and arranged to meet with her at the Batsignal's skyscraper.

As Kyle arrived following another score, Batman confronted her about the encounter at the Docks and demanded she told him her motivations. After repeatedly enquiring about her relationship with Falcone, he learned that she was the mobster's daughter and her past, including the murder of her mother. Empathizing with her over their shared trauma, Batman reluctantly agreed to help Selina track down Kenzie and identify her killer. During the meeting, he learned that Riddler had revealed information regarding his family.

Returning to the Batcave, Bruce learned that his father was associated with Falcone and that his mother's issues with mental health problems, stemming from her parents' murder-suicide. He also learned that Thomas had apparently used his connections to the mobster to murder Edward Elliot, a journalist who threatened to expose the latter during his election campaign. Horrified by the discoveries, Bruce visited Falcone at the Shoreline Lofts to learn more. Falcone not only confirmed the information but also implicated that Sal Maroni had arranged his parent's murder for fear of his father being in his pocket.

Whilst still processing the allegations, Bruce visited Alfred as he regained consciousness and confronted him on the discoveries. Though Alfred confirmed his father's involvement with Falcone, he instead told Bruce that he'd only wanted to intimidate Elliot and that he'd planned to expose the mobster after learning of it, suggesting it was actually Falcone who arranged their murder. As Pennyworth expressed regret about how he raised him, Bruce revealed how he'd panicked about the attack and his fears about losing someone close to him again, like he did with his parents. The two shared a moment of connection before noticing the Batsignal had been lit.

Capturing Falcone

Batman arrived to find it had not been lit by Gordon, who arrived on the scene moments before him, but Catwoman, who'd captured Kenzie and tortured Kenzie. Showing them her stolen phone, they heard a recording made by Annika during a meeting with the cop and Falcone. In it, it revealed that Falcone was the rat they'd been searching for and Annika had learned it from Mitchell. The recording also revealed that Falcone had strangled Annika to death, leading Batman to realize that the mobster had murdered Kyle's mother.

As they interrogated Kenzie, they learned that Falcone was actually the ringleader for Gotham's corruption, having used resources gathered from the Gotham Renewal Corporation after Thomas' death. Using it to discreetly cover his criminal activities, he had ratted on Maroni to gain further access to resources. Learning Selina was planning on murdering both Kenzie and Falcone, Batman tried to talk her out of it. However, she refused and kicked Kenzie off the rooftop, forcing Batman to save the corrupt cop but let her escape. Knowing that Falcone was the best chance of exposing Riddler's identity, Batman decided to head back to the Shoreline Lofts to stop Selina whilst Gordon leaked the audio recording, thereby authorizing Falcone's arrest.

Changing into the Drifter, Bruce distracted one of the Twins by knocking on the door, allowing him to slip by him and lock him outside. He then made his way through the Iceberg Lounge, subduing another member of the Falcone Syndicate as they attempted to stop him. Making his way to the main power breakers, Bruce cut through the main supplies using an industrial saw, cutting power from the area and indirectly stopping Kyle's first attempt on Falcone.

After changing into his Batsuit, Batman entered the Lofts through the elevator shafts, hiding himself in one of them to prevent Falcone's men from attack him. After they discovered him, Batman attacked and defeated the group. Batman then arrived at Falcone's penthouse as he strangled Selina, prompting him to subdue the mobster. As she took aim, Batman grabbed Kyle's gun and held her back, convincing her to spare Falcone.

With the recording of Annika's murder public, Batman took Falcone into custody and brought him before the GCPD. As Falcone was placed under arrest, Batman witnessed the heated exchange between him and Penguin. After a gunshot rang out, he covered the mobster to protect him from what appeared to be the underboss' gunshots. However, Batman realized he'd reacted too late and Falcone had been shot.

Riddler Unmasked

Noticing a streetlight and how he'd brought "the rat" under it, he realized this was what Riddler had intended and noticed him in a building across the street. Informing Gordon and the other officers, he went ahead to stop Riddler escaping. Breaking into the apartment, Batman found the serial killer had fled. On further investigation, he and the GCPD realized it was his hideout, using the room to develop his equipment and gather information about Falcone's activities. After the GCPD learned Riddler was in a diner opposite. Batman observed his arrest through the building's windows, seemingly disturbed by the serial killer's gleam after he noticed him.

Helping the GCPD investigate the apartment, Batman learned Riddler's identity to be Edward Nashton, an orphan from the Gotham Orphanage who'd he had encountered before his parent's murder. Through the contents of the apartment, he and the GCPD learned of how Riddler had learned of Falcone's conspiracy and manufacture much of his equipment. Noticing a cage containing a bat, Batman opened it to find another message for him, indicating Riddler's plans were far from over. Through the notice board with both identities interlinked, Batman came to the conclusion that Riddler had deduced his identity and that he was the final target.

Learning Riddler wanted to speak with him, Batman met the serial killer at Arkham. During the initial stages, he remained silent as Nashton bemoaned "Bruce Wayne", ranting about how he'd received privilege and attention whilst Nashton and others had suffered silently as the orphanage fell into disrepair. Eventually realizing Riddler was not aware of his identity, Batman learned that Riddler was actually inspired by him, believing they had been working together to expose and kill all the victims. Angered and horrified that this, he instead denied the supposed partnership, causing Nashton to lose his composure and let slip that his plans were larger than what Batman had anticipated. As Nashton realized Batman had not gathered all the clues and outsmarted him, the vigilante angrily demanded know the plans. However, he was unsuccessful as Riddler broke into gleeful songs, both to prevent him from gaining further information and gloat victory.

The Battle at Gotham Square Garden

Returning to Riddler's apartment, Batman began reexamining the evidence collected. During it, he was discovered by Officer Martinez, who identified the weapon used to kill Mitchell as a carpet tucker. Realizing its relevance, Batman dug up the apartment's carpet to find a map of Gotham and a password to a video uploaded to his blog. From it, he and Martinez learned that Riddler's final target was Gotham itself, specifically Reál and its political system. The video also revealed that the serial killer had placed bombs around the city's seawalls to cause a flood, during which his followers would attack the Mayor-Elect at Gotham Square Garden. As they watched, the bombs detonated, flooding Gotham City. Realizing that the plans were now in motion, Batman told Martinez to contact Gordon and left to help stop Riddler.

Arriving just as Riddler's followers began their attack, Batman drew the group's attention away from the crowds by detonating explosives around the roof's window. Jumping down into the building, he began his fight with the followers, using his grappling hooks and their safety harnesses to subdue them. Taking the battle on the central display, he was eventually knocked from the platform after dodging gunfire that cut one of the cables, though he managed to catch grip of the edge. As the followers fired at him, Batman eventually managed to escape by detonating a fire suppressor with a sticky bomb, creating a smokescreen that hid him. With the last of the followers disoriented and grouped together, he was able to launch a final attack that subdued the group.

As he turned his attention to a final member, Batman was knocked from the rigging through a shotgun. Though able to catch his grip on the walkway, he was unable to climb up due to exhaustion, allowing the follower to reload the weapon and prepare to execute him. However, Selina arrived moments before the trigger was pulled, subduing the thug and pulling Batman to safety. As she comforted him, Batman rested knowing he'd stopped Riddler's plans. However, the follower regained consciousness and attacked Selina. Still exhausted from the fight, Batman injected himself with Adrenaline to give him a second wind, allowing him to save her. However, the effects led him to brutally beat down the attacker, only stopping when Gordon and other officers arrived. As they unmasked the attacker, he identified himself as "vengeance", leading Batman to realize he'd inspired them just as much as Riddler.

Moments later, the floods finally broke through into the venue, flooding the room and crushing the main stage under a car. Noticing a loose cable handing into the water, Batman swung over to it and cut it with his Tactical Knife. However, he was electrocuted during the act and fell into the waters below. Regaining consciousness, Batman saw several civilians, including Reál and Mitchell's family, caught under the stage and other debris from the flood. Lighting up a flare, Batman made his way and helped remove it. After Reál and Mitchell's son from the wreckage, he proceeded to lead everyone in the building to safety.

The Mission Changes

In the aftermath, Batman continued to help emergency workers evacuate those caught in the floods. During it, he noticed his actions had made Gotham's citizens more at ease. This made Bruce realize he'd been misdirecting his anger to attack criminals when he had needed to use it to help those in need. With this, he decided to use the Batman to not just fight crime, but to become a symbol of hope to those who needed it and help heal Gotham from the actions of its criminals.

Whilst taking a break, Batman found Selina visiting her mother's grave. Realizing she was leaving the city, he asked about her intentions and where she would go. In turn, Selina suggested he leave with her, arguing that Gotham could not be saved and that more criminals would fight over what was left of Falcone's empire. Despite this, Batman refused to forsake his vow. After noticing the Batsignal, they bid farewell, driving through the cemetery together on their motorcycles before going their separate ways.




Behind the Scenes

When production of The Batman began, the film was intended to star Ben Affleck's version of Batman. However, when Matt Reeves was brought on as the film's director, it changed to focus on his incarnation in his early days, and later a completely separate version of the character. In an interview with Empire, Reeves revealed he'd based The Batman's incarnation on Kurt Cobain, commenting that both characters were reclusive and their states of emotional decay.[5]

In addition to Pattinson, Armie Hammer, Nicholas Hoult and Aaron Taylor-Johnson were considered for the role.[6] The former had previous been cast as the character in the ill-fated Justice League: Mortal whilst the latter two had appeared in Marvel's X-Men and Cinematic Universe as Beast and Quicksilver, respectively. However, Pattison was the frontrunner during the audition process, with Reeves citing his performance in Good Time as one of the main reasons behind it.[7]


  • Batman shares many similarities with the incarnation from Geoff Johns' Batman: Earth One graphic novel series, illustrated by Gary Frank. Most notably, the two characters are depicted as younger and less experienced than other counterparts, have largely received training from Alfred (both versions serving as bodyguards rather than their butler), and are both members of the Arkham family through their mother.


