Batman Wiki
Batman Wiki


"The Scene of the Crime"[]

The Gotham City Police Department begins a manhunt for Bruce Wayne, who has escaped from custody. In his Batman persona, Wayne has returned to his manor, and specifically to the Batcave beneath it, remembering many of the pains of his life so far, the complications of his double life. Here he is confronted by Batgirl, Robin and Nightwing, and, via computer, by Oracle. They want to know why he didn't tell them that he was planning an escape, and are shocked when he says he's not going to try to prove Bruce Wayne's innocence. He also refuses to confirm to them that he is indeed innocent. The evidence is strong, particularly as it seems Vesper had indeed discovered that Bruce and Batman were one and the same.

Batman declares that Bruce Wayne is nothing more than a mask, and that from now on there simply is no Bruce Wayne, a declaration that is shocking to the others, particularly as Nightwing (as Dick Grayson) is Wayne's adopted son. After a tussle with Nightwing, Batman leaves the cave, the others wondering what on earth is going on. Batman then hits the streets, feeling free now that Bruce Wayne is no more.

"Mystery of the Black Bat!"[]

Batman and Robin hear of a civil war hero called the Black Bat whose costume is remarkably similar to Batman's own. They enlist Professor Nichols help to travel back in time and manage to inspire Samuel Braxton, conductor of an underground railway to help slaves escape, to become the Black Bat.

"Joker Tips His Hat!"[]

The Joker has appropriated some of the Mad Hatter's technology and uses it to force upstanding citizens to do foolish things. He forces Batgirl and Robin to kiss, only to discover that they were not under control and are easily able to defeat him, begging only the question of why they went through with the kiss.

"The Dark, Groovy, Solid, Far-out and Completely With-it Knight Returns"[]

Batman and Alfred are in the Batcave, looking on what has happened recently. Knowing there is more to come, Batman makes sure that he is ready for any villain as Superman or James Gordon will be there, when needed, to help him save Gotham City.


"The Scene of the Crime"[]




"Mystery of the Black Bat!"[]




"Joker Tips His Hat!"[]




"The Dark, Groovy, Solid, Far-out and Completely With-it Knight Returns"[]


