Beware the Batman was a CGI animated series that premiered in 2013. The series is set during Batman's early years, following his battles between him and various supervillains. Unlike other series, the show was developed in a 3D animation style and focused on then-lesser known villains. The series ran on Cartoon Network until it was pulled from the schedule four months after its premiere. The remaining episodes of the season would later air on Adult Swim from July 27 to September 28 2014.
Crime-fighting vigilante Batman teams up with sword mistress Katana and his ex-secret agent butler Alfred Pennyworth to face the criminal underworld led by Anarky, Magpie, Ra's al Ghul, Tobias Whale, Professor Pyg, Mister Toad and Humpty Dumpty. Anarky, in particular, is the main antagonist in the series.
Main Cast
- Anthony Ruivivar as Bruce Wayne/Batman
- Sumalee Montano as Tatsu Yamashiro/Katana
- J.B. Blanc as Alfred Pennyworth, Batcomputer, Lunkhead and The Key
- Kurtwood Smith as Lt. James Gordon
Additional Voices
- Wallace Langham as Lonnie Machin/Anarky
- Brian George as Lazlo Valentin/Professor Pyg
- Udo Kier as Mister Toad
- Lance Reddick as Ra's al Ghul
- Tara Strong as Barbara Gordon
- Grey DeLisle as Margaret Sorrow/Magpie
- Tisha T. Banker as Dr. Ava Kirk and Gloria Pearce
- Michael Patrick McGill as Officer O'Brien
- Jeff Bennett as Simon Stagg
- Cree Summer as Dr. Bethanie Ravencroft
- Gary Anthony Williams as Michael Holt
- Carlos Alazraqui as Junkyard Dog
- Greg Ellis as Milo Match/Phosphorus Rex
- Adam Baldwin as Rex Mason/Metamorpho
- Emmanuelle Chriqui as Sapphire Stagg
- Ian James Corlett as Joe Braxton
- Matt L. Jones as Humpty Dumpty
- Arif S. Kinchen as Daedalus Boch
- Matthew Lillard as Dr. Jason Burr
- Finola Hughes as Lady Shiva
- James Remar as Silver Monkey
- Wade Williams as Waylon Jones/Killer Croc
- Robin Atkin Downes as Slade Wilson/Deathstroke and Kirk Langstrom/Man-Bat
- Xander Berkeley as Paul Kirk/Manhunter
- "Hunted"
- "Secrets"
- "Tests"
- "Safe"
- "Broken"
- "Toxic"
- "Family"
- "Allies"
- "Control"
- "Sacrifice"
- "Instinct"
- "Attraction"
- "Fall"
- "Darkness"
- "Reckoning"
- "Nexus"
- "Monsters"
- "Games"
- "Animal"
- "Doppelganger"
- "Unique"
- "Hero"
- "Choices"
- "Epitaph"
- "Twist"
- "Alone"
External links
- Beware the Batman at IMDb