Batman Wiki
Batman Wiki

The Blockbuster Gang was an organized-crime syndicate which was active in Blüdhaven and controlled by mobster Roland "Blockbuster" Desmond until his death at the hands of Tarantula. The gang was a prominent enemy of Nightwing, consisting of many of his enemies and the morally corrupt Blüdhaven Police Department. The gang was also rivals with the gang of Black Mask in Gotham City.


New Earth[]

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  • Cisco Baine: Blockbuster's right-hand-man who was secretly an undercover agent for the FBI.
  • Giz:
  • Gorilla Grimm: Gorilla Grimm was an intelligent gorilla hailing from, "Gorilla City" in the Congo. He travelled to Blüdhaven and worked alongside Blockbuster and helped him attempt to find illegal heart-donors in Gorilla City for his large body.
  • Mateo Flores: Mateo Flores was the corrupt district-attorney of Blüdhaven who worked for Blockbuster.
  • Torque: Dudley "Deadly" Sloames was a corrupt police-officer who worked for Blockbuster. Blockbuster later tried killing him by snapping Dudley's neck, only for Dudley to survive and become the rival mobster, "Torque".


Notes and trivia[]

  • Various members of the gang became members of the super-criminal support-group, The Run-Offs.