Carl Beaumont was the father of Andrea Beaumont. He was a financial planner in Gotham City and an associate of the Valestra Mob. His death inspired Andrea to become the Phantasm.
During his time as Gotham's financial planner after his wife, Victoria, died, Carl first met Bruce Wayne during his younger years while he was dating Andrea.
Also, Carl had been embezzling money from the Valestra Mob during his involvement with them.
One night, when Andrea returned home to tell her father about Bruce's wedding proposal, she finds Carl confronted by Salvatore Valestra and his lieutenants, Chuckie Sol and Buzz Bronski, after learning that Carl cheated them of their money. When Andrea tried to help Carl, she was grabbed by Bronski. Fearing for his daughter's life, Carl begged Valestra to give him more time to gain more money to pay them off. When Valestra agreed, he warned Carl that if they didn't have the money by then, they would have Carl killed by this time.
After Valestra, Sol, and Bronski left, Carl tells Andrea to pack a suitcase, and they need to get to the airport now to escape the mob. When Andrea confronts Carl about his involvement with the Valestra Mob, Carl tells her that if he doesn't pay them back within hours, they will find them and kill them both and apologises to Andrea for ruining her engagement with Bruce, and vows that someday, they will be free from the mob.
After fleeing Gotham that night, Carl and Andrea settled down at a house in Europe, and Carl was able to pay the mob back the money he owed them.
During his first election campaign for Gotham City councilman, Carl's former assistant, Arthur Reeves contacted Carl to ask him for money after he ran out of funding, but Carl refused. In desperation, Reeves sold out the Beaumonts' location to the mob, who sent their hitman, Jack Napier, to kill Carl.
When Andrea returned home from grocery shopping, she finds Napier exiting their house. Running inside, Andrea finds Carl's dead body and screams in anguish.
Vowing to avenge her father's death, Andrea dons the costume of the Phantasm. She succeeded in killing Sol and Bronski, while Valestra himself was killed by the Joker.