Selina Kyle, also known as Catwoman, is a thief and criminal operating in Gotham City. The illegitimate daughter of Carmine Falcone, she served as a waitress at the Iceberg Lounge. Selina would ally herself with Batman during Riddler's reign of terror when their goals aligned to investigate her father's empire.
Early Life[]
The daughter of 44 Below waitress Maria Kyle, Selina spent her early years in the backrooms of the club. Whilst her mother was worked there, she was often visited by Carmine Falcone, a prominent mobster in the city. Though frightened by him and his presence, Selina seemed to recognize his friendliness and eventually learned he was her father. When she was seven years old, Selina's mother was murdered by someone who visited the club and she was soon taken in by social services. Due to Falcone not coming forward and his lack of involvement in her upbringing, she considered him to owe her a debt.
By her early 20s, Selina worked as a waitress at the Iceberg Lounge, a nightclub financed by her father and his organization. She worked directly under Syndicate lieutenant Oswald "The Penguin" Cobblepot, even working as a drops dealer. She was fully aware of the clubs' front and involvement in crime, using her role to spy on Falcone's operations and steal from the syndicate to recompense her. Selina was also friends with 44 Below employee Annika Kosolov, who also reluctantly served as one of Mayor Mitchell's mistresses. The two shared an apartment together and looked after a large number of pet alley cats.
The Batman[]
Meeting Batman[]
Selina first met Batman whilst he interrogated Penguin over the identity of a woman photographed with the recently murdered Mitchell. Initially reluctant to approach, she was assured to continue and dealt drops with Penguin in front of the vigilante. Whilst trading these, Selina recognized the woman in the photo as Annika and promptly left to check her. Selina returned to find out someone had leaked the photos, leading her to comfort her. After this, Selina changed into her Catwoman costume and drove over to Mitchell's apartment to steal back Annika's passport so they could flee the city.
After infiltrating the Mitchell residence, Catwoman located and broke into a hidden safe in its office to obtain the documents. However, she was confronted by Batman, who'd followed her from the Lounge and suspected her of murdering the mayor. After a short fight, the Dark Knight managed to take the passport away from her, though hid her away from an officer. When he confronted her on the allegations, Selina revealed the reasons behind the break-in to him and agreed to let him meet with Annika.
Returning to the apartment, they discovered that Annika had disappeared and the location ransacked, with Selina's phone also stolen. During it, they learned that Commissioner Savage had also been murdered by Mitchell's killer, who proclaimed himself the Riddler. Recognizing Savage as one of the frequent patrons at the 44 Below, Selina relayed this information to Batman and revealed the club's existence to him. Wanting to find Annika, the vigilante convinced her to help him infiltrate the club and gather details on who the next victim was.
Infiltrating 44 Below[]
The following night, Selina convened with Batman before she started work at the Iceberg Lounge. Fitted with camera-fitted contact lenses, she worried about her safety if she was spotted wearing them. Her concerns were apparently ignored by Batman, who only asked her to look at him to check whether they'd fitted the cameras properly. Given a communicator pod, Selina was sent into the Iceberg Lounge. After acquiring a keycard for the 44 Below, she entered the club, during which Batman identified its guard as GCPD detective Bill Kenzie.
Entering the club, Kyle identified many patrons at the club, including members of the District Attorney's office. When Batman asked her to look back at one of them, identifying him as DA Gil Colson and attracting his attention. At the vigilante's suggestion, Selina joined him and his group, which included fellow employee Carla Diaz. After Gil lets slip of a "rat", Batman asked Selina to ask more about it. Together, they learned that Colson was actually referring to a high-level informant in the Maroni Drug Bust who'd provided information for them. However, Diaz told him to stop, mentioning Annika's fate.
Realizing Carla knew about Annika, Selina tried to confront her. As she distanced herself from the group, she followed her and confronted her at the bar, attracting attention from others. However, the confrontation was interrupted by Penguin before she could get an answer. Very quickly, Selina realized that Falcone was present and greeted him. After her father left, Batman confronted her on their apparent intimacy. Not wanting to answer to him, Selina removed her cameras and cut contact with him.
Robbing the Penguin[]
The following night, Catwoman tracked Penguin's drop operations to a recycling depot in Gotham's Eastside. Whilst he and his men were inside checking progress, she used her bike lock to subdue the Twins, knocking them out easily. As she checked Kenzie's car for cash bags, Catwoman was confronted by Batman, who'd been investigating Penguin himself and realized she had infiltrated the club to steal from the syndicate. Dodging his questions, Selina grabbed two bags and attempted to leave. However, she found Annika's body in the boot, leaving her temporarily despondent.
Moments later, Penguin and his men discovered them and opened fire. Taking cover, Catwoman was able to avoid detection, with the group instead blaming Batman for her theft. As a gunfight rang out between the men, Selina fled to her motorcycle as Batman and Penguin left the scene. Before she left, she managed to steal a bag from Kenzie and fled the scene without challenge.
Skyscraper Confrontation[]
Angered by the discovery of Annika's body, Selina decided to contact Batman after the fight. Reactivating the contact lenses she had worn, she left a note for him to contact her. Sometime the following day, Batman took notice of her message and contacted her. Asking whether they could talk, they arranged for a meeting at an abandoned building he used to hide the Batsignal.
After pulling off another score, Selina visited the building he'd suggested. As he confronted her on her actions, Selina instead asked him to help track down Kenzie, wanting vengeance for Ani's murder. However, Batman confronted her on her relationship with Falcone, leading her to try to cut off the meeting. However, Batman caught her and continued to push, leading Selina to reveal she was Falcone's daughter.
Having shocked him with the reveal, she told him of her history, the murder of her mother, and Falcone's negligence in her upbringing. Connecting with him over their shared trauma, Selina expressed interest in his identity and what he was hiding. Realizing they shared the same goals, Selina asked for his help in helping uncover Annika's murderer. She also expressed a contempt to the rich of Gotham including Bruce Wayne, revealing that Riddler had released information concerning the Wayne family. When Batman reluctantly agreed, she kissed him and left the scene, assuring him she'd be able to take care of herself.
Tracking Kenzie[]
Over the following day, Catwoman was able to track down Kenzie and confront him, during which she recovered her phone. Discovering a message from Annika, she found it was actually a recording of a confrontation between her and Falcone, which revealed he was "the rat" in the Maroni case and that he'd murdered her to cover it up. Falcone's use of strangulation also revealed he was responsible for her mother's murder. Angered, Selina took Kenzie hostage, taking him to the skyscraper where she'd met Batman and lighting up the Batsignal to summon him. She also bound the corrupt cop with her bike lock and stole his gun, beating him down as Batman and Lt. Gordon arrived.
Giving him her phone, Selina had him listen to the recording. She also allowed them to confront Kenzie on his actions, during which they learned of Falcone's control of the Gotham Renewal Program to control the city. Having obtained the information they needed, Selina offered to kill Kenzie and Falcone. However, Batman stopped her before she could shoot the former, arguing she'd cross over the line into criminality and throw her life away. Unconvinced, Selina kicked Kenzie from the building. Using Batman and Gordon's rescue of him as a distraction, she then stole the gun and jumped to a disused crane to flee the building.
Vengeance on Falcone[]
After changing at her apartment, Selina returned to the Iceberg Lounge and convinced Falcone's guards to let her see him. Claiming to be looking for Annika, she feigned worry and asked him for his help in locating her. As Falcone attempted to comfort her, Selina reached for Kenzie's gun. However, Falcone was drawn away by one of his men, who revealed that he'd been identified as "el rata alada" and the recording she'd discovered had been released to the public. As he was distracted, Selina drew her gun and called his attention, revealing herself as his daughter. As Falcone attempted to talk to her, Selina fired her first shot. However, this occurred as Batman began his infiltration, who cutting off the power to the building and lighting in the penthouse.
Not wanting to let her father go, Selina continued her chase, firing several shots at Falcone as he fled. She also struggled with one of his men, who she managed to subdue. As she approached what she believed to be Falcone's hiding place, Selina was ambushed from behind by the mobster with a pool cue. As he attempted to choke her with it, she scratched his face, leading him lose his grip. However, Falcone grasped her throat and continued to strangle her, claiming he'd also done this because her mother had attacked him. However, Batman arrived before he could seriously harm her and beat him down, saving her life.
With Falcone at her mercy, Selina grabbed Kenzie's gun, but her weapon were seized by Batman. As she attempted to carry out her vengeance, the vigilante told her she wouldn't have to pay with him if she let him be arrested. Finally convinced, Selina reluctantly released her grip from the weapon and let Batman take her father into custody. She followed them as Batman handed Falcone to the GCPD, exchanging a glance as he was read his rights. After Falcone was shot by Riddler, Selina briefly glanced at his body, seemingly at peace that he was finally dead.
Battle of Gotham Square Garden[]
Shortly after Riddler's arrest, Selina attempted to leave Gotham via her motorcycle. However, she was stopped outside of Gotham Square Garden by an emergency service worker, who informed her that a series of floods had started. Noticing the water rush in, she followed others in taking shelter at the venue. When Riddler's Followers attempted to assassinate Bella Reál, Selina took notice of Batman and his fight with the group. When he was knocked from the central display, she decided to help him, using a cable to gain access to the rafters.
Arriving at the end of the battle, Selina was able to subdue the last of the group as he attempted to execute Batman, who was hanging from the rafter and exhausted from the fight. Pulling him to safety, she reassured him that he'd stopped the group and kissed him, telling him to rest. However, the follower regained consciousness and attacked her. As he pinned her down, Selina struggled to stop him from stabbing her. However, Batman, having injected himself with adrenaline, attacked and beat down the gunman. Selina was horrified by his actions and chose not to approach him after he stopped. Selina later watched him save Reál and other civilians from electrocution. It is unknown whether Selina also helped in the evacuation of Gotham Square Garden.
Leaving Gotham[]
In the aftermath of the floods, Selina decided to leave Gotham, believing that the city was going to get worse and was beyond saving. After packing her things and cats, she visited her mother's grave, where Batman came to meet her. Revealing her intentions, she tried to convince him to come with her. However, Batman indicated towards the now-lit Bat-signal, indicating he planned to stay. After bidding goodbye, Selina took her motorcycle through the cemetery, driving alongside Batman on his own. After leaving, she left Gotham to parts unknown.
Behind the Scenes[]
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- Promotional Material
- Screenshots
- Kravtiz had previously portrayed a version of Catwoman in The Lego Batman Movie.
- Selina is never referred to as "Catwoman" in The Batman, though promotional material calls her this. She is briefly called the "Cat-Burglar" by Batman (though she is confused by the reference). In her final scene, Selina refers to herself as "the Cat", indicating she may have adopted the identity by the end of the film.
- Many have speculated whether Selina's relationship with Annika was romantic rather than platonic, primarily due to her sexuality and the fact that she refers to the latter as "baby" on several occasions (later referring to Batman in the same way). However, Kyle refers to Annika as her friend on multiple occasions rather than her partner/girlfriend and mentions her mother to Falcone before her attempted assassination of him.