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Batman Wiki

Chandell appears in two consecutive episodes of the 1960s Batman television series.


Some time prior to encountering Batman, Chandell was a renowned pianist. During a performance at the White House, he found himself forced to use a player piano to cover the fact that he had injured his hands. His thuggish twin brother Harry used this fact to blackmail Chandell into a life of crime, using the alias of "Fingers."

Harry used Chandell in a plot to murder Bruce Wayne and Dick Grayson so that he could marry Aunt Harriet and claim Bruce Wayne's fortune. When Chandell planned to go straight upon planning to use the fortune to pay Harry back, Doe, Rae, and Mimi ended up using knock-out gas on him. When Harry's lawyer, Alfred Slye, wanted his payment for getting Harry out of Gotham City Police Station, Harry also had him exposed to the knock-out gas. Batman and Robin managed to defeat Harry and free both Chandell and his lawyer from a deathtrap.

Chandell was last seen playing his music for the guards while Harry was making plans to escape from prison.

Known Associates

Just as Batman and Robin do not go at crime-fighting alone, Chandell (namely his brother Harry) needs fellow partners in crime to assist him with his malicious schemes:

  • Piano Movers (portrayed by Fred Carson, Chuck Hicks, and Jack Perkins) - Simple hired thugs that work for Chandell and Harry.
  • Doe, Rae, and Mimi (portrayed by Marilyn Hanold, Edy Williams, and Sivi Aberg) - Chandell's and Harry's female associates.
  • Alfred Slye (portrayed by James Millhollin) Chandell's and Harry's Attorney and Henchman



  • The name "Chandell" was a play on one of Liberace's trademarks, the chandelier.
  • Fittingly for a Bat-Guest who had a dual role as twins, Liberace was himself a twin.
  • Upon realizing Chandell's use of a player piano during the White House concert, Robin yelled, "Holy Paderewski!!!" Ignacy Jan Paderewski, to whom that "Holy Bad Pun!" referred, was, in real life, Liberace's professional mentor.
  • Sivi Aberg, who played one of Harry's female associates, Mimi, later appeared as The Joker's female associate, Undine, in the Season 3 episode "Surf's Up! Joker's Under!"
  • At the end when Chandell is playing piano in jail, both Chandell and the piano wear prison stripes!
  • Despite all the Bat-Villains from the TV series appearing in Batman: Return of the Caped Crusaders, Chandell doesn't appear along with them, as well as his twin brother.