Darryl was an associate of the Joker.
Darryl's life before meeting the Joker is unknown. However, it is known that he lost a bet he made with Joker on the World Series. However, he never paid Joker the 20 dollars he owed, prompting Joker to break out of Arkham Asylum to kill Darryl. Joker attempted to kill Darryl by hitting him with bananas. However, Darryl was able to escape through the window while Joker was distracted by a television broadcast about the cleverest inmate in Arkham.
Darryl is a black man with black hair. He has a goatee, a red shirt that is too small for him, and black pants. He has a silver earring on his right ear and a golden watch on his left arm.
Not much is known about Darryl's personality. However, he is most likely intelligent. Darryl has low pain tolerance, as even getting hit by bananas prompts him to say that it "hurts".
Darryl does not have any powers. However, he can build things, and he can operate an advanced computer system. Darryl is also shown to be able to climb out a window with relative ease.
- Darryl is skilled with computers.
- Darryl's first appearance and only appearance was in The Batman and Robin Adventures, issue #5.
- Darryl only appeared in two pages of the comic.
-It is unknown if he ever directly confronted Batman or Robin.