The Joker was a criminal mastermind from Gotham City and the archenemy of Batman. After being transported to Feudal Japan by Gorilla Grodd, he began fighting for control over the country with other villains, including Two-Face, the Penguin, Poison Ivy and Deathstroke. Assisted in his schemes by Harley Quinn, Joker eventually took control of the warring factions and declared himself Lord Joker of Japan.
The Joker has been terrorizing Gotham City for years, with the only one to stop him from being the Batman. One night, he is summoned to Arkham Asylum along with his cohort, Harley Quinn, as well as Penguin, Poison Ivy, Deathstroke, and Two-Face, by Gorilla Grodd to witness his newest invention, the time-distorting Quake Engine (the real purpose was to send these villains far away so Grodd can rule Gotham).
However, Batman interferes with the experiment, causing the device to malfunction and send him, Grodd, and the villains back in time to Feudal Japan during the Sengoku period, when different states wage war with each other for complete control of the country. Taking advantage of the current situation, Joker and the other criminals trick the local daimyos and usurp their positions, with Joker and Harley taking over the capital of Edo.
When Batman arrives at Feudal Japan two years after the others do, he is immediately attacked by samurai in masks that bear the Joker's face. Eluding them, he makes his way to Edo castle, now renamed Arkham Castle and sees the Joker talking with one of his minions. But then the real Joker appears behind him, and the other reveals herself to be Harley. The Joker tells his nemesis that he has become "Lord Joker," the most powerful man in all of Japan, and then the two proceed to fight. Growing bored, Joker summons his henchmen to finish the fight, but the Batman manages to escape them.
After finding the Batmobile, Batman rides his way to Arkham Castle, but then the Joker activates his castle to become a fighting robot and crushes the Batmobile, Batwing, and Bat-cycle He corners the Joker, but then the Clown Prince prepares to kill a mother and child with his castle mech. After defeating a sumo-wrestling version of Bane, Batman saves them, but it turned out to be Harley, who injures him. As they surround him, Joker mocks the Dark Knight how his heart had cost him victory as well as his life. Before they could finish Batman, however, bat-like ninjas accompanied by a flock of bats come in to rescue him, much to Joker's annoyance.
During their confrontation on the Joker's boat, an explosion causes Joker and Harley to temporarily lose their memories, leading them to thinking they're farmers, but later regained their memories after inhaling some of the Joker's trademark toxin.
Along with the other villains, the Joker fuses Arkham Castle with the other castles into a giant mecha-bot. While confronting Batman and his allies, the villains were soon outnumbered by a giant Batman made out of a flock of bats, and Batman's allies defeated Harley and the other villains.
In the climax, the Joker confronts Batman in a ninja sword-fight, which eventually leads to Joker's defeat and capture. Returning to Gotham City in their own time, the Joker, Harley, Penguin, Two-Face, Deathstroke, Poison Ivy, and Grodd were taken into custody by Commissioner Gordon.
Like any version of the Clown Prince of Crime, Joker is a complete psychopath whose only goal in life is to spread as much chaos and misery as possible. At first, he never wanted to be a "lord", but upon ascending to such a title in Feudal Japan, he seems to have grown accustomed to it. He has no qualms about altering history to his own ends, introducing coal-powered technology in the Sengoku period even though the industrial revolution wasn't until several centuries later. He's also taken up the habit of making gestures similar to that of a Kabuki actor. According to Robin, he has a nasty habit of underestimating his opponents. Joker did seem, however, to care for his girlfriend Harley Quinn and treat her pretty decently, although, like many versions of the Joker, this apparent kindness in their relationship could just be a mask to hide his true abusive side.