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Batman Wiki

Mayor Linseed is the mayor of Gotham City. When trouble arises, the mayor notifies Commissioner Gordon, who in turn alerts Batman by way of a direct wire to the Batcave.


The Mayor was seen playing a game of golf at a club with the Maharajah of Nimpah. As the Maharajah had just sunk a putt at one particular hole, gas spurted out of the hole and knocked him, the Mayor and everyone else on the course unconscious. The Joker had cleverly stolen the golf hole, filled it with gas and set an ordinary hairpin as the trigger.

He appears at the dedication ceremony of the new Amergio Bridge where an assassination of Commissioner Gordon took place, which was later revealed to be a decoy dressed up like Gordon as a plot by the Bookworm.

When Egghead took over Gotham City, the Mayor was forced was pacing in Gordon's office, but the Dynamic Duo informs him about the loophole, which forces the Mayor to overcome Egghead's guff.

During the mayoral elections, the Penguin tries to a campaign against Linseed for mayor, but Batman and Robin foiled his plans, thus letting Linseed win the election.

He and his wife, Millie appear at the night reception party at Stately Wayne Manor which was interrupted by the arrival of Mr. Freeze and his thugs dressed up as waiters and Batman and Robin. The Mayor and his wife were robbed of their valuables and get frozen in the reflection pool along the other guests. He later appears in Gordon's office when Mr. Freeze demands $1,000,000,000 or he will cake the city in ice.

He participates an anniversary party in Batman's honor, which was ruined by the Riddler and his gang disguised as firefighters.

His wife, Millie, pushes him to denounce Commissioner Gordon and Chief O'Hara as police commissioner and chief of police to give the job to Nora Clavicle.

He later witnesses a talk about flying saucers going around the city, which was a plan concocted by the Joker.


Season 1[]

Season 2[]

Season 3[]




  • The name "Linseed" may be based off John Lindsey, who was the mayor of New York City.
  • In Batman '66, he has a niece named Bonnie Linseed.