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Batman Wiki

The Riddler's cane (sometimes referred to as a staff) is a tool occasionally used by the supervillain. Often depicted as a long pole with a golden question mark ornament at its top, the tool is carried by the villain during his crimes for stylistic purposes, though it often is used as a weapon. In multiple stories, Riddler has adapted the cane to act as multi-functional tool or remote control for his apparatus.


In many stories, the Riddler's cane is merely for aesthetic purposes. In some, it is used as a blunt-force instrument to fend off enemies and Batman. However, more modern incarnations have seen other utilities equipped in the cane, such as remote controls. The cane's head has also been weaponized in various ways, such as being electrified to stun opponents or being sharpened into a knife to stab enemies. On at least one occasions, the cane has been known to be store a spring-loaded grappling hook, which Riddler has used as a counterpart to Batman's grapnel launcher.

Riddler 0004

In Other Media[]


Batman '66 - John Astin as The Riddler 2

The first ever Riddler cane debuted in a 1967 episode of the live-action show.

Batman Forever - The Riddler 5

Riddler with his cane in the film Batman Forever


  • Batman: The Animated Series: The cane appears in several episodes of Batman: The Animated Series alongside its Riddler. Like most modern incarnations it is shown to have some hi-tech functionality. The canes lacks any question mark decoration but is shown to containin a projectile weapon and hacking equipment within the cane itself.
  • The New Batman Adventures: A re-designed cane appears briefly in episodes, now with a large question mark handle rather than an ordinary knob as seen in the previous series.
  • The Batman (TV series): Riddler makes use of a golden cane as both a weapon and tool. The series shows it to contain remote-control technology, with it being used to operate various contraptions in multiple episodes.

Video Games[]

  • LEGO Video Games: The Riddler makes use of a staff in multiple DC-themed LEGO games. In most games, it contains mind-control technology which can be used to get NPCs without hats to achieve certain objectives. In LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes, it is used to open Riddler Boxes scattered throughout the open world. In LEGO DC Super-Villains, the cane can be used as an acrobatic pole after being thrown into sockets. Additionally, handheld versions of LEGO Batman: The Videogame feature a grappling hook in the cane.
  • Batman: Arkham series: A more square-shaped version of the cane appears alongside Riddler in promotional material for Batman: Arkham City and Batman: Arkham Knight. The cane can be found in the world, but it will not be used as a weapon by Riddler in combat.
  • Batman: The Enemy Within: Riddler makes use of a cane in "The Enigma", where its question mark head is depicted as a cutting weapon capable of tearing out opponents' throats. The cane also contains controls for Riddler's machinery, including death traps, and a grappling hook system capable of pulling Riddler to areas. A spare version of the cane is also used by Bruce Wayne to escape Riddler's lair in "Fractured Mask".