- "How can you hope to lead humanity, when you've never been a part of it?"
- ―Batman[src]
Damian Wayne was the biological son of Bruce Wayne and Talia al Ghul, and the grandson of Ra's al Ghul, the former founder and leader of the League of Assassins. He was trained since birth by the League until he was forced to flee with his mother to Gotham City after his grandfather was murdered by Deathstroke. After meeting his father, he became the second Robin, changing his ways from a mission of vengeance to a mission of justice just like his father. After a few years, he eventually joined the Teen Titans and entered a romantic relationship with his teammate, Rachel Roth/Raven.
Early Life[]
Years before his birth, Damian's mother Talia al Ghul became infatuated with Bruce Wayne after learning of his deeds as Batman. Though it was implied that Bruce shared her feelings, Talia ended up drugging and raping Bruce, which resulted in her pregnancy with Damian. She kept her son a secret from Bruce for years, as Damian was raised and trained by his grandfather Ra's al Ghul and his mother in the ways of the League of Assassins so that he would eventually lead humanity.
Son of Batman[]
One morning, as Ra's al Ghul was overseeing the League's training with Damian and Talia, they were abruptly breached by an attack caused by an army of assassins led by Slade Wilson, a former apprentice of Ra's al Ghul and mercenary calling himself Deathstroke. Talia took Damian to the bottom level of the League's fortress and went to help fight off the invasion. Damian assisted by shooting down multiple assassins using a gun dropped by one of them.
As Ra's al Ghul was about to be slain by Deathstroke, Damian intervened and managed to blind him in one eye by using his sword before Deathstroke got away with Ubu, another one of Ra's al Ghul's former henchmen.
Damian followed his grandfather to the Lazarus Pit, but Ra's succumbed before he could get to it. Talia arrived and when Damian attempted to get Ra's into the Pit, Talia advised against it, saying the Pit can't heal a body as damaged as Ra's was. In the aftermath, she took Damian to meet his father in Gotham City.
On Gotham Docks, Damian was introduced to his father, Bruce Wayne, also known as Batman. Talia left Damian with Batman as they arrived to the Batcave where Damian observed it. He was then led to his room by Alfred Pennyworth. During the film, Batman attempted to humanize Damian from being the trained assassin who was raised by the league.
The next morning, Damian was working out in the garden by slicing bushes in half as a training exercise. Bruce and Alfred oversaw him, overly impressed by his talent.
Damian later visited Bruce in his office at Wayne Enterprises. Informing him of Deathstroke's right-hand man Ubu, who was stationed in Gotham, believing he could lead him to Deathstroke so they could kill him. Bruce then stated that they don't kill and tried explaining to Damian how Ra's al Ghul was a madman, but Damian rebuffed it by claiming that Ra's was a hero and died one. Bruce then realized that Damian had stole data from the Batcave, sending him back to Wayne Manor. Damian then said he owed his grandfather a death.
He later located Ubu, who was with harlots at his apartment. Damian broke in, scared the harlots away, and fought Ubu. He demanded to know where Deathstroke was, but Ubu wouldn't say anything. Their fight led to the other end of Gotham, where Damian was about to kill Ubu with his sword if he refused to talk, yet Ubu told him to do his worst. Just as Damian was about to kill him, Nightwing, also known as Dick Grayson, interfered and defeated Damian, tying him to a pole.
In the Batcave, Damian looked at the Robin costume and traded insults with Nightwing. Batman then criticized Damian for "being a child" and almost going too far with Ubu. Damian rebuffed that it was easier his way, but Batman said it had nothing to do with easy, it was about doing what’s right because it's right. Batman then allowed Damian to become Robin and help him find Dr. Langstrom who'd been kidnapped by Deathstroke.
Damian and Batman arrived at the Gotham Coliseum, where Batman told him of how his father used to bring him to play ball games and took him to the amusement park afterward. Damian and Batman then found Langstrom, where Damian tried to force Langstrom to talk by throwing him out of his lab, signaling the assassins. Damian and Batman fought off the various assassins and then ran into the Man-Bat Assassins. They eventually escaped and captured Langstrom, bringing him to the Batcave.
Later, Damian and Batman saved Langstrom's family from Deathstroke's fortress, where Langstrom's daughter gave Damian a message and told him not to tell Batman. As Batman was about to call Interpol for Langstrom's family, Damian watched the message and discovered his mother had been kidnapped by Deathstroke, who threatened to kill her if Damian didn't come alone to his fortress in the ocean.
Damian swam to the fortress and confronted Deathstroke. Deathstroke then shot Talia while she tried to shield Damian from his blast. Deathstroke chased Damian and was about to kill him until Batman arrived. Damian went after Deathstroke and the two fought. He defeated Deathstroke but decided not to kill him because he was his father's son. Damian, Batman, and Talia escaped with the help of Nightwing. Afterwards, Damian decided to stay as Robin after everything was said and done, though he was ready to go with his mother when she asked him to, but she decided to leave Damian with Batman so he could learn from him and left to fix the League of Assassins.
Nightwing and Robin[]
Damian and Dick were called upon by Batman to find and capture the Scarecrow since he had to help the Justice League. The two tracked Scarecrow down and defeated him in his warehouse.
Batman vs. Robin[]
During the height of the Dollmaker case, Robin deduced the connection between the children kidnapped from Gotham City and a toy company named Schott's Toys: the children all owned toys from it. Rather than inform Batman, Robin stole the Batmobile and drove to Ichabod, a town 60 miles outside the city, where Schott's Toys was based. As he neared Ichabod, Robin called Batman to inform him. Batman wasn’t pleased and reminded him of the mantra "Justice not vengeance." As Robin investigated Schott's Toys, he found blood, surgical tools, scared children, and dead bodies. He then encountered the Dollmaker, who asserted that he was helping the children. Robin called him a psychopath and vowed he would pay. Batman soon joined the battle but Robin ran off to capture the Dollmaker. Dollmaker's pleas fell on deaf ears and Robin only became more and more infuriated. He whipped out a Batarang and promised to teach him about helplessness. Dollmaker tried to run but Robin threw out a bola and snagged his legs.
Dollmaker pleaded with Robin and kept stating that he loved the children. Robin threatened to tear his heart out. However, Dollmaker's whimpering made Robin hesitate and he was spared. Robin turned his back and reminded himself of "Justice not vengeance". While he was distracted, Dollmaker got up and armed himself with a log. Before Dollmaker could attack, a mercenary called Talon appeared and ripped his heart out from behind. Talon advised Robin to trust his instincts then vanished from the scene. Batman arrived and accused Robin of the deed. Robin admitted he could’ve done it easily but didn't out of respect for Batman. When Batman asked who did, Robin told him to figure it out and walked off.
Back home, Damian settled in a study and continued his study of Charles Dickens with a copy of "Oliver Twist" until he fell asleep on the couch. He later awoke to his father and his girlfriend Samantha Vanaver conversing. Bruce quickly introduced Damian as his ward, not a son, and was keeping him a secret from the press corps until the paperwork was finished.
After Vanaver left, Damian remarked she was very attractive but a bit pretentious and a little shallow. Wayne noticed the book and remembered he read a lot of Dickens at his age too. He decided to take in a viewing of the 1948 version of "Oliver Twist" directed by David Lean. Damian agreed to join him if he got his own bowl of popcorn. Later that night, he tried to sneak out again but the latest outgoing security system prevented him. He was infuriated that he nor Robin could have their own life and resented being kept at the manor like a prisoner. When Bruce countered that things would be different if he were more trustworthy, but Robin countered back that trust went both ways. Damian went to the Batcave to close the Dollmaker case on the Batcomputer and apologized for sneaking out the other night. He was annoyed when Batman went out alone and even more annoyed upon finding out Nightwing was his babysitter. Robin was uninterested in being trained by a "circus clown" and was confident of his late grandfather's training. Nightwing asserted he was trained by Bruce Wayne, the man who repeatedly defeated Ra's al Ghul.
Disgusted with the "pure and perfect" Dick Grayson, Robin declared he was Wayne's son and nailed Nightwing with a low blow then knocked him down below onto the Batcomputer chair.
Later, Robin ran away and saved a couple from two thugs, easily defeating them and imploring them to get back up. Talon appeared in a nearby alley and asked him to finish them off until they were interrupted by police sirens. Talon introduced himself and invited Robin to follow him. They settled into Talon's home where he offered him a chance to help eradicate crime once and for all with no rules and no limits. Robin was intrigued but needed time to think, Talon then let him keep a sai as a gift and a device to communicate with later once the decision was made. He was later caught trying to sneak back into his bedroom. After a war of words, Wayne threatened to send Damian to a school in Switzerland run by a retired general if he didn't shape up. Dick tried to reason with Wayne in private, but he realized that maybe he and Damian lacked what was required to be father and son.
Robin overheard and ran away. He activated the device and met with Talon. The next night, they went to The Garden and attacked mob boss, Mr. Draco. Robin wouldn't execute Draco and instead gathered evidence to convict him. Talon insisted Draco's army of lawyers would again keep him out of prison and insisted he cross the line. Batman arrived and was about to chase Talon but Robin challenged him and the two fought. The battle spilled over from the roof through a skylight. Batman positioned himself and took the brunt of the fall. Robin ultimately spared Batman and ran off again. Batman tracked down the base of the Court of Owls but was drugged and dumped into a labyrinth. He then experienced a nightmarish hallucination of the future, where an adult Damian became Batman, took up arms, and tore the heart out of Gotham, leaving a trail of destruction across the world. As "Damian" shot him over and over, Batman lurched closer and held "Damian" in his arms. He apologized and asked Damian to forgive him.
While Batman recovered, Robin was presented to the Court of Owls by Talon. The Court accepted Talon's choice of protégé but asked Robin to reveal his secret identity as a pledge of loyalty. Robin hesitated at first but removed his mask. The Grandmaster, who was Samantha Vanaver in disguise, recognized Damian and realized Bruce Wayne was Batman. She ordered Robin's death as a way to deeply hurt Batman. Talon couldn’t execute Robin and did the unthinkable as he turned on the Court and murdered every Owl present, including Samantha. Talon then asked Robin what he would do in turn of sacrifice, but Robin instead called him insane. Talon promised he wouldn't ask Robin to betray Batman any further and would eliminate the opposition. Talon knocked Robin out and sealed him in a casket, forcing him to take part in the resurrection ritual. Talon revived all the dead Talons and left for Wayne Manor. Robin figured out how to release the clamps on the caskets and escaped. He noticed the effect of subzero cold and messaged Pennyworth. In the ensuing battle, Robin returned to the manor and retrieved his sai.
As Talon overpowered Batman, Robin arrived and defended the latter. Talon ordered Robin to let him die, but Robin declared to Talon that he would never let his father die like Talon did. Talon was infuriated and knocked Robin away, grabbing Batman by the throat and stated they could survive with the Wayne fortune after Batman died. Robin leaped onto Talon's shoulders and punched him repeatedly. They then fought sai to sai, until Robin knocked Talon's away and held his to Talon's throat. Robin declared Talon would never replace Batman. As Batman came to, Talon pulled Robin's arm forward and effectively committed suicide. He advised Robin to trust his instincts and perished. Robin saw he left his pocket watch and threw it down in disgust. Batman admitted he was proud of Robin and welcomed him home. Robin pulled away and realized he needed to find out who he was. His mind was filled with too many voices - Ra's al Ghul, Talia, and his father. Batman understood and told him about a monastery in the Himalayas that could be of help. Robin remarked he didn't need help but would later on. The two hugged and parted ways. Sometime later, Damian glimpsed at the monastery and continued hiking.
Batman: Bad Blood[]
Damian was accepted into the monastery, but unlike the other monks, he chose not to shave his head. About half a year later, he finished scrubbing floors and retired to his room, where he checked his tablet and saw a "Where's Batman?" video clip from News 52. The news of Batman's disappearance was enough to convince Damian to return to Gotham City. Back as Robin, he made an unexpected appearance in a battle at the docks between Batman and the Black Mask mob. Robin threw his sai into Black Mask's launcher. The blow-back scorched his face. Reeling in agony, he ordered someone to kill Robin. Two men manned a truck and railgun inside. As Batman fought the man with the gun, Robin climbed up the side and fought the driver. As the truck began to lose control, Robin steered the wheel into a controlled crash. He chided Dick Grayson for his poor performance as Batman. Modest as ever, Robin boasted that he was more Batman than Grayson would ever be.
He soon realized they were being followed by Batwoman. They lured her into an alley, ditched the Batmobile, and confronted her. She reveals that she was there the night Batman supposedly died, leading them to the ruins of the warehouse where she and Batman fought Heretic's gang, two weeks prior. Robin didn't trust her but Grayson quickly recalled that he trusted Talon. Robin told him to shut up and demanded to know who the likes of Tusk and Firefly were working for. Batwoman didn't know and declined to work with them. On the drive back home, Robin insinuated Dick wanted Batman to be dead so he could keep the suit. Grayson braked and told him he struggled for years to escape from Batman's shadow, to build a life for himself, and the last thing he wanted was to be Batman. Alfred broke up their heated discussion with news that he discovered Batman's file on Batwoman. Robin inquired why he didn't know about her. Alfred remarked she kept a low profile and then played the video. He and Dick were surprised to learn Batwoman was Katherine Kane.
Nightwing and Robin responded to a distress call from Wayne Tech. They engaged Heretic's gang in the secret sub-level 3 vaults. The Heretic became fixated on Robin and ordered Electrocutioner to spare him, but Electrocutioner ignored him and continued to electrocute him. Heretic threw a knife into Electrocutioner, killing him. With Robin and Lucius Fox injured, Nightwing could not pursue. The villains' leader, Talia al Ghul, refused to allow Heretic to bring Robin to their base of operations at the Sisters of Perpetual Grace. She preferred to keep him at arm's length. Meanwhile, Damian was ordered by Dick to endure at least 24 hours of observation, out of concern he suffered a concussion. Damian exclaimed Grayson nor Alfred were his father. Alfred remarked he should be profoundly grateful for that fact and left. Soon after, he suited up in the Batcave and was about to leave on Nightwing's Wingcycle until he was hit in the neck with a dart by The Heretic, who was waiting for him. Robin tried to fight Heretic but he soon lost consciousness.
Alfred soon discovered Robin was gone and alerted Grayson. Luckily, Alfred had the foresight to hide a tracking device in Robin's suit. Damian later awoke hanging upside down in a strait jacket, where the Heretic revealed that he was an adult force-grown clone of Damian as part of a program initiated by Ra's al Ghul to create the perfect soldier. The Mad Hatter brought him to full consciousness but he still felt something was missing. Heretic wanted to take all of Damian's memories for himself and believed he would then have a soul. Talia discovered what was going on and admonished Heretic. Heretic dropped to his knees and begged Talia to let him have his way and end his suffering, but she shot him dead for defying her. She then ordered Mad Hatter to erase all memory of this incident and make the other "necessary adjustments" to Damian. Nightwing, Batwoman, and Luke Fox, outfitted in a exosuit and styling himself as Batwing, assaulted the convent, forcing Talia to order a retreat, leaving Damian and Bruce behind, but Damian was able to free himself and his father. However, Bruce was still disoriented due to his captivity.
Damian and Bruce then encountered Nightwing, until the tower they were in began to collapse. They struggled to hang on to each other as the structure continued to collapse. Fortunately, Batwing carried Damian, Bruce, and Nightwing back onto stable ground. Wayne suddenly ordered Damian and Dick to return to the city without so much as thanking them.
A week later, Damian still couldn't believe he was just a tool to program for his mother. Robin and Nightwing later met with Batwoman on a rooftop after she was attacked by her brainwashed father. Nightwing then realized Bruce supplied Talia with the location of the secret vault and the encrypted drive they recovered from the convent, as Robin concluded that there was more to Talia's plan. Robin, Nightwing, Batwoman, and Batwing infiltrated the World Tech Summit but were soon found out. Talia issued an ultimatum to Damian, join her side or die. Robin then fought Tusk one-on-one, until Tusk eventually lost his footing and fell. Robin tried to snag him with a grappling line and pull him, remembering "Justice not vengeance". However, he soon realized his line was severed and Tusk appeared to be shredded to death by the giant fan blades below.
Batwing's battle with Firefly didn't go as well, either as one of the Watchtower Initiative's thrusters was badly damaged. Batwing contacted Robin and asked him to transfer power from the damaged thruster to the two working ones. Robin barely succeeded just in time and the Watchtower narrowly avoided crashing into the Wayne Enterprises building. Afterwards, Robin, Batwoman, Batwing, and Talia converged on Batman and Nightwing's battle. Talia ordered Batman to execute them. Nightwing was able to make an emotional plea to Batman and break through his programming. He threatened to shoot himself to Talia's dismay, before she drew her sword and was about to kill Nightwing, where Batman shot the sword out of her hand. Talia attempted to make her escape, until Onyx suddenly attacked to avenge Heretic as the transport crashed into the ocean. After the battle was over, Damian had a comforting heart-to-heart with his father back at Wayne Manor.
Justice League vs. Teen Titans[]
In Metropolis, Robin attended the unveiling of the Justice League's new headquarters, the Hall of Justice, but the Legion of Doom broke up the festivities and Robin was assigned to control crowd. He didn't enjoy being a human cattle prod and felt as if he was being under-utilized. After Weather Wizard was possessed by a Corruptor, Robin defied Batman's orders and remotely summoned the Batplane. He locked onto Wizard, set the plane on a collision course, and ejected. The three kiloton blast from the payload of missiles and fuel cells knocked Wizard out of the sky until Wonder Woman retrieved him with her Lasso of Truth. Batman wasn't pleased to be stuck with an amnesiac villain who had no idea what just happened. Robin then insisted he was buried in a worthless position, yet solved the entire problem. Batman countered this was an issue of teamwork. Robin remarked he only saw ineffectual grandstanding and preferred to work alone.
Batman decided to send Robin to train with the Teen Titans in order to learn how to be part of team. The next day, Nightwing drove Robin to the Titans Tower in the Batmobile. Robin thought he was being punished and it was made worse when Nightwing said the Titans were teenagers, not children. Nightwing teased him about being afraid of socializing. Robin stated he thought teammates were a liability and Nightwing was an unavoidable irritation. Once they got to the Tower, Nightwing asked him not to behead anyone and introduced him to Starfire. Later, Robin went to his room. Blue Beetle stated that found him creepy, but Raven detected sadness.
The next day, Robin spent an hour and a half in the training simulation fighting holograms of Deathstroke's soldiers. Starfire tried to get him to stop, but Robin refused until Blue Beetle powered down the machine generating the holograms. Robin threw a Batarang at him, but the Scarab shot it down as Beetle warned him about it. Starfire reminded Robin that it was all a team effort and everyone had to be accommodating with each other.
Robin observed that Starfire was an exiled princess with nowhere to go, who hadn't realized her potential. Blue Beetle heard enough and scolded him to show some respect. They fought each other, but Beetle was unable to hold the Scarab back as it generated a chest cannon and plasma blasted Robin at point blank, but Robin barely survived. Raven healed Robin, but saw into his mind and was weakened. That night, Damian practiced sword strokes in his bedroom and nearly stabbed Beast Boy next door through their wall. He looked outside and saw Raven meditating. He approached her and sort of thanked her for healing him, but didn't appreciate her looking into his life.
Damian mentioned he was supposed to rule the world with his grandfather and make it a better place, before Raven suddenly asked him to get away from her. Damian asked about the man he saw in her head until Raven flipped out and replied that it wasn't any of his business, before going through a portal. He went back inside and sort of apologized to Beetle. Damian then went into Starfire's room without permission but couldn't find any files on the Titans.
Starfire was irate to find him at her laptop and told him what little details she knew then stated he needed to have faith. Robin thought faith was just belief based on the absence of data and invites disaster. Starfire vented her frustrations with Dick Grayson on a video chat. Grayson reminded her that he had no childhood and spent his life training to kill and then moved in with Batman. He inadvertently gave Starfire an idea. She took the Titans out on a night of mandatory fun at a nearby carnival. There, Damian and Raven laughed at each others funhouse mirror reflections. Damian won the ring toss game without much effort and selected a toy sword, but he gave it to a little girl instead. Afterwards, Raven found Damian sitting on a table by himself and shared cotton candy with him, telling him that as insufferable as he was he had a kind and generous soul, leaving Damian in shock for a bit. After Jaime Reyes lost a dance off game to Garfield Logan, Damian stepped up to challenge him despite never dancing. Damian won, but his victory was short-lived as Raven was attacked by the Corruptors. Damian ran back to Starfire's locked car and was forced to break a window to get his sword.
Raven dispatched the Corruptors, then teleported the Titans to Azarath and told them about her past. They later returned to the Tower, until Raven revealed she was leaving. Robin told her if she ran now, she'd always be running for the rest of her life. He believed the five of them together stood a better chance against Trigon, Raven's demon father. Although, Beetle thought he hated them, Robin admitted he no longer wished them dead.
The Justice League teleported to the Tower via Boom Tube and asked Raven to come with them. Robin objected and stated that the Titans would protect her. Things became tense and to make matters worse, the Corruptors had possessed the Leaguers. Robin fought the Flash but was soon overpowered. The Flash grabbed him by the throat and phased his other hand through Robin's chest, threatening to kill him. With the Titans' lives in the balance, Raven conceded and left with the Corruptors. 24 hours later, Cyborg woke up and Robin revealed Raven was in the Middle East, 60 miles north of Kahndaq City, revealing that he had placed tracers on everyone 30 seconds after they first met.
Cyborg wasn't confident that they could take on Wonder Woman, Flash, and Superman, but Robin already had a plan. Cyborg opened a Boom Tube and with Starfire and Blue Beetle, opened fire on Superman. As Superman flew towards them, they scattered. Robin launched from Beast Boy, as a vulture, and stabbed Superman in the ribs with Kryptonite. The Corruptor left his body and he crashed into the desert. Robin removed the Kryptonite and placed it in one of his belt pouches. Robin then rode on Beast Boy, who transformed into a horse, to the Infernal Shrine to get to Raven. However, they were too late and Trigon arrived through a portal, but Raven knew she needed the crystal to trap him again. Cyborg and the Titans traveled through a portal to Trigon's realm to retrieve it. Robin implored Raven to go for the crystal while he and the other Titans fought off the horde of demonspawn. Robin caught up to Raven and was shocked to see Ra's al Ghul, who was really the last Corruptor in disguise, trying to play with Robin's mind and get him to kill Raven to fulfill his pact with Trigon.
Robin hesitated. "Ra's" told him he was an al Ghul, but Robin declared he was a Titan and they fought. Robin eventually gained the upper hand and kicked him into a column where a bunch of lesser demons grabbed at him. "Ra's" pleaded for help but Robin beheaded him with his sword. Raven asked Azarath for strength and dragged Trigon into a shard of the crystal. She revealed she was staying behind to keep a constant eye on Trigon, but Robin objected. Raven stated it was her home but he disagreed by quoting Robert Frost and told her home is the place where you have to go there, they have to take you in. Raven agreed and returned to Titans Tower with them. 10 days later, the Justice League verified the threat was over and congratulated the Titans on saving the world and them.
Teen Titans: The Judas Contract[]
Throughout the film, Damian Wayne faced challenges such as being haunted by his past when Deathstroke returned and used Terra as his pawn to bring the Titans to Brother Blood.
Their current mission is to break into a H.I.V.E. facility and take it out. The Titans' newest member, Terra opens a path in the cliff and closes it behind them. Blue Beetle notes that the scarab doesn't like the confined space as it lashes out when a bit of dirt hits it. Raven blocks a tendril with a force-field, while Robin threatens to "control" the scarab for him. Raven suggests fighting "somewhere roomier, like a broom closet." Soon, the Titans take out the H.I.V.E. agents, with Robin noting that they prepared well for them. However, more H.I.V.E. agents arrive in exosuits to buy Mayhem more time to escape.
In the Titans' computer room, Dick is surprised by Robin, who notes that Ra's al Ghul would have been impressed with Blood for being able to manage both a worldwide cult and H.I.V.E. However, Nightwing explains H.I.V.E. and the Church of Blood are the same things; Blood only makes them look separate. Robin offers congratulations to Nightwing, seeing Starfire as an equal partner for him. Starfire arrives next, fresh out of the shower, asking about the progress about the information; Nightwing explains that he programmed the computer to inform him when it finds relevant data. Robin notes it's not the worse idea he's had, earning annoyance; he thought it was a compliment. Terra arrives, snarkily repeating Robin. As Robin leaves, he is surprised by Beast Boy, who is wondering where Jaime went.
Later, Starfire decides to have a group training session to prepare them for unexpected fights. Robin tells Terra to control herself, snapping her back to her sense when she went out of control. At night, Nightwing, Starfire, Beast Boy, Robin, and Raven rush to Terra's room, where she is convulsing in her sleep and calling upon her powers. Raven attempts to calm Terra's mind, awakening her, but she rudely tells them to leave her be. Once Nightwing, Starfire and Beast Boy leave, Robin asks Raven what she saw in Terra's min, but she tells him it's not his business.
However, Robin tells her that everything that goes on in the Tower should be the business of each Titan. Raven considers Robin's words. Later, Nightwing works on the data they got from H.I.V.E.; until Robin surprises him. Thinking it's about Terra's lack of control, Nightwing is surprised to hear that Robin is distrustful of her. Starfire and Raven then enter, with Raven backing Robin up as she has sensed something off about Terra since she tried looking into her mind. However, Nightwing agrees with Starfire that Terra deserves a chance to be helped. Robin tells them that making choices with their hearts will lead to deaths. Hoping feels different, Starfire gives a hopeful look; however, Raven just follows Robin out of the room.
Robin later follows Terra into the city, keeping to the rooftops. However, he’s surprised when Terra suddenly elevates herself to the roof. Terra explains that she could feel the seismic vibration of his footsteps, even through a building. He asks what's eating away at her as Terra vents that Beast Boy's attempts to woo her, Jaime's inability to control the scarab, Raven's accusing stares, Nightwing's den mother personality and Starfire's constant smiles annoy her. Not to mention Robin's now stalking her. Robin explains that he had a hard time fitting in with the Titans, offering to help her as well. Deathstroke surprises them, taunting Robin for sounding so caring. Robin guesses that Slade got to a Lazarus Pit before he could die. Slade confirms the theory, adding that frequent bathing in it has improved his muscle tone to the point he can smash holes in concrete.
Robin tells Terra to run, charging Slade with his blade; however, Slade notes that his time with the Titans has softened his battles skills as he no longer seeks to kill his opponents. Catching Slade in an arm-lock, Robin is knocked off by Terra. Being swallowed by the roof, Robin yells at her for betraying them. However, Terra smirks that implies she was ever on their side. At Nightwing's apartment, Nightwing adds that Damian approves of them, prompting Starfire to kiss him.
In truth, Damian has been trapped in a wall in Deathstroke's lair by Terra. Damian constantly baits Slade with the hope that he'll be dumb enough to let him out; however, it seems that Batman's tactics won't work. Beating him for fun, Slade tells Damian that he will have revenge for the League of Assassins choosing Damian over him for the next Demon's Head, by killing the Titans. Slade is later visited by Terra, who is wearing makeup and see-through pink nightgown to seduce him. Ignoring this, Slade tells Terra it was risky to attempt contacting him. Terra retorts it's because Robin is always suspicious. Deathstroke notes it's normal for Robin, replacing the damaged contact lens camera in her right eye.
Deathstroke shows Damian all the pictures Beast Boy sent, just to annoy him. He notes that it's a shame he doesn't have more time to break him; in a month, he'd have Damian calling him papa and bringing him his pipe. Deathstroke tries sending a reply but realizes Damian is more of a jerk; he promptly sends a rude text. The Titans open the briefcase to find pictures of them.
Back at the Tower, Nightwing and Starfire go through the notes, finding that H.I.V.E. has been studying them through all the Titans' attacks on their bases. However, the exact purpose for doing so was lost with the computer data that was blown up. They inform the rest of the Titans to be careful and keep an eye out just in case H.I.V.E. makes an attempt to attack them when alone. Nightwing tries calling Damian to warn him, but cannot get an answer.
Robin attempts to reason with Terra as he tries convincing her that Deathstroke is using the League of Assassins methods to brainwash her. Annoyed, she almost kills him until Slade stops her, noting she can see why he wants Robin dead, Terra leaves.
With six Titans to drain, Blood begins his ceremony to archive godhood. Seeing the Titans trying to get free, Deathstroke advises Blood to hurry before the machine gets broken and the Titans enact some revenge. Blood begins siphoning the Titans' powers, growing stronger. However, Nightwing drops in and damages the controls before Blood can fatally drain his teammates. An explosion occurs, scaring the cultists into fleeing. With the exception of Terra, the Titans free themselves.
Robin and Nightwing chase after Deathstroke, both hoping for some payback. Terra wakes as the Titans fight, becoming blinded by a blood-lust towards Slade for betraying her, she blocks Robin and Nightwing and tries crushing Slade.
The Titans flee the crumbling temple. After its collapse, Beast Boy returns and digs Terra out of the rubble. She wakes, smiling happily before dying of her internal injuries. Beast Boy and the Titans mourn her loss. At the end, Raven visits Damian on top of Titans Tower and presents him with a puppy.
The Death of Superman[]
After Superman's death, Damian is seen comforting his father.
Batman: Hush[]
Damian is informed by Alfred about Bruce's romance with Selina Kyle. He gives his father's car a video call. While bringing up Bruce's terrible record with women (Talia included), Damian accepts that if his father needs to sate some kind of carnal urge with Selina, he has no problem with it; however, Damian reminds his father to use protection (as neither himself, Alfred or Dick are willing to raise a child.)
Justice League Dark: Apokolips War[]
Robin is present along with the rest of the Teen Titans during the Justice League's briefing of the plan to attack Darkseid on Apokolips, where they're assigned the role of protecting Earth. As shown in a flashback after the League's failed attack, Robin witnesses his teammates die at the hands of the Paradooms, genetic hybrids of Parademons and Doomsday. During the initial battle at Titans Tower, Robin was almost killed by a Paradoom until Nightwing sacrificed his life to protect him and Robin was tossed into the water and escaped. Once a member of the Teen Titans as Robin, Damian left following Darkseid's invasion to lead his late mother's organization as save for Raven, all his teammates were either killed or captured. He then asked her to help him lead the League of Assassins with her as his right-hand. Raven however declined, and so he fled with his dog Titus instead.
Afterwards, Damian used the Lazarus Pit to resurrect Nightwing, despite promising Raven not to use it. Unfortunately, the Pit did revive Dick, yet it had also left him in a permanently insane state, causing him to become extremely feral and attack anything that moved. This forced Damian to permanently restrain him in a strait jacket and keep him locked up in a cell for the rest of his life, much to Damian’s sadness.
Two years later, Superman, Raven, John Constantine, and Etrigan the Demon traveled to one of the League of Assassins' outpost, where Damian ordered his assassins from attacking the group. Though he blamed Superman for everything that occurred, Damian agreed to join them on their quest to save the world, in the hopes that he'll be able to save his father, Batman from Darkseid's control or be forced to kill him if he is beyond saving.
Damian and the heroes then teleported to Metropolis, where Superman's wife Lois Lane has recruited former members of the Suicide Squad for their operation, including Harley Quinn, Captain Boomerang, and King Shark, among others. Damian later reveals to Raven that the reason he had asked her to lead the League of Assassins, wasn’t because he thought of her as a great fighter, but because he had feeling for Raven. Raven then told Damian that she had initially declined because her father Trigon, wanted to kill him after everything they had went through. Damian and Raven reconciled their feelings for one another, while the heroes prepared for their final assault on Darkseid.
On Apokolips, Damian and the heroes made their way to the main fortress in order to finally end the New God's reign of terror. Before they could enter, the heroes were attacked by Darkseid's Furies, consisting of cybernetic hybrids of Wonder Woman, Martian Manhunter, Starfire, Mera, and Hawkman. Etrigan dies, but Constantine manages to free Wonder Woman from the New God's control as she stays behind to fend off the former heroes, while Damian and his allies headed inside. There, they discovered a dismantled Cyborg, who had been infused with the very technological network of Apokolips, making it impossible for him to be freed. However, he reveals that the Flash is still alive, imprisoned to run forever on a treadmill that helps power the planet. Superman frees him, but before the heroes could figure out a way to destroy Apokolips, a brainwashed Batman arrived with Darkseid. The two of them proceeded to viciously attack the heroes, with Damian's attempts to free his father of Darkseid's control proving unsuccessful; until almost killing his son that freed Batman of the mind control, joining the other heroes once more.
Batman defiantly threw a sword into Darkseid's eye, which merely annoyed the New God; Darkseid fired his Omega Beams at Batman, but Damian sacrificed himself by blocking the attack that fatally burns him. His last words to his father were the same words that Bruce had always repeated to Damian: "Justice not vengeance." Damian's death engulfs Raven in grief and as a last-ditch effort, Constantine frees Trigon from Raven's prison, offering himself as a host. Instead, the demon infests Superman and kills Constantine. Seemingly in the afterlife, John is reunited with Zatanna, who reveals that she had used her magic to make him flee from the fight as a contingency plan by Batman had the League's efforts failed, and that he didn't abandon her. After professing their love for one another, Zatanna revived Constantine. As Lois and her allies prepared to destroy the Lexcorp building back on Earth, which would destroy both the Paradooms and themselves, she sent an emotional goodbye message to Superman on Apokolips as Cyborg managed to project it around the chamber. Lois's death managed to free Superman of Trigon’s control, this act gives the Man of Steel his power back while also pitting Trigon and Darkseid against each other. Raven's love for Damian allows her unlock a new level of power that restores her vitality and revived him to perfect health. Cyborg then teleported all the remaining heroes back to Earth, sacrificing his own life to destroy Apokolips, obliterating the planet in a black hole.
Despite Darkseid's defeat, Batman reveals that the Reapers implanted by Darkseid on Earth, managed to destroy enough of the Earth's plasma to doom the planet. Constantine then convinced the Flash that he needed to run back in time to create another Flashpoint in order to undo and reset the devastation caused in their universe, which he does, despite the speedster having sworn never to do it again. Damian shared his first and only kiss with Raven as the universe was erased, leaving the surviving heroes optimistic about their future as they disappeared into the unknown.
Powers and Abilities[]
- Driving: Damian claims to be a proficient driver.[1]
- Hand-to-Hand Combat (Advanced)
- Martial Arts
- Stealth
- Swordsmanship: Damian is skilled with a sword, which is his preferred weapon.[1]
- Batarang
- Batrope