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Over the years, Selina Kyle, also known as Catwoman, has resided in a variety of apartments. They are often used as her permanent hideouts, with hidden areas used to hide her costume and equipment, and access to the rooftops. Most of them are located within Gotham City, usually in or near the East End of the city.


Prime Earth[]

During Batman's first year and before becoming Catwoman, Selina Kyle shared a small apartment with Holly Robinson in a unspecified area of the East End. Robinson Park and the area near it could be seen from the window, as they could see destruction from Batman confrontation with Howard Branden and the GCPD was seen. Selina continued to stay there after becoming Catwoman.

In Other Media[]


Batman Returns[]

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Selina Kyle resides in a furnished apartment. It it mentioned that she is only just able to afford it on her secretarial salary at Shreck's. After her first "death" at the hands of her boss, Selina destroys most of it in a mental breakdown. After becoming Catwoman, she is rarely seen within it. The apartment also appears in Konami's DOS game, where Batman can visit it to look for clues.

The Dark Knight Rises[]

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The Batman (2022)[]

Selina Kyle's Apartment (The Batman 2022)

Selina lives in an apartment, instead of living alone with cats, she shares it with her partner Annika Kosolov.


Batman: The Animated Series[]

Selina Kyle resides in a high-class apartment located in an unnamed skyscraper. It appears in "The Cat and the Claw" (parts I & II) and "Cat Scratch Fever". In addition, her secretary Maven and cat Isis also reside in the apartment.

Video Games[]

Batman: Arkham Series[]

In Batman: Arkham City, Catwoman takes up residence in a Park Row apartment located near the Solomon Wayne Courthouse. The interior is never properly shown, though can be seen through its windows. Catwoman first visits it to gather equipment before visiting Poison Ivy, colleting her Catrops and Bolas. After the game's finale, Two-Face breaks into it, stealing her possessions and rigging it to explode as part of a trap. After the incident, the apartment is spray-painted with the words "Catwoman Must Die". Scanning it as Batman will also complete on of the game's Riddler Challenges, unlocking part of the Catwoman vs Two-Face story.

The same building can also be seen in Batman: Arkham Origins. Clawmarks can be seen around the windows, implying that Catwoman has taken up residence there.

Batman: The Telltale Series[]

Selina's Apartment (Telltale)

Selina Kyle owns an apartment in an unknown part of Gotham. Said to have moved in recently, the living space is roughly furnished, including a stolen painting from the Gotham Museum of Art. During "New World Order", Catwoman takes Batman to the apartment after he sustains injuries in a fight with Lady Arkham. Bruce stays there for the night to recover, during which they can engage in a one-night stand, and can later explore to find out more about her. When Harvey Dent visits and discovers him, the resulting fight leads to the apartment being trashed. Afterwards, Selina leaves the apartment to either flee Gotham or stays at Wayne Manor.


