The Joker was a comic book series published from May 1975 to October 1976. The series featured Batman's greatest foe, The Joker, as he returns to his old tricks and encounters supervillains from around the DC Universe. It took heavy influence from the 1950s version of the character, with him depicted as a trickster but not killing or escaping the law. The Joker series was short lived, running only nine issues. Even though Batman never officially appeared in any of the strips, he makes cameos in photographs such as newspapers and posters. The idea of a solo series starring the Joker would later be revised during DC's Infinite Frontier, beginning a second series.
#1: The Joker's Double Jeopardy
#2: The Sad Saga Of Willy The Weeper
#3: The Last Ha Ha
#4: A Gold Star For The Joker
#5: The Joker Goes 'Wilde'
#6: Sherlock Stalks The Joker
#7: Luthor - You're Driving Me Sane!
#8: The Scarecrow's Fearsome Face-Off
#9: The Cat and the Clown
- Issue 3 was used in a collection of Joker strips called The Greatest Joker Stories Ever Told and later all the strips were put together in one book using the original title The Joker: The Clown Prince Of Crime.