The New Batman Adventures is the continuation of Batman: The Animated Series/The Adventures of Batman & Robin. It features a completely different animation style in-line with Superman: The Animated Series. It was later reformatted as The New Batman/Superman Adventures. The crossover episodes in the Superman show were released on home video as The Batman/Superman Movie.
The world of New Batman Adventures was continued in Batman Beyond and revisited in Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker. A direct-to-video movie based on the TNBA, Batman: Mystery of the Batwoman was released in 2003. This version of Batman and Nightwing also seemingly, somewhat ambiguously returned in Batman and Harley Quinn in 2017. A canonical comic continuation started in 2020, titled Batman: The Adventures Continue.
- Kevin Conroy as Bruce Wayne/Batman
- Matthew Valencia as Tim Drake/Robin
- Tara Strong as Barbara Gordon/Batgirl
- Loren Lester as Dick Grayson/Nightwing
- Efrem Zimbalist Jr. as Alfred Pennyworth
- Bob Hastings as James Gordon
External links[]
- The New Batman Adventures at DC Animated Universe Wiki
- The New Batman Adventures at IMDb