Batman Wiki
Batman Wiki
Batman Wiki

Wayne Industries was an organization own by Bruce Wayne. Though not heavily involved in Gotham, it allowed the family control and manage interests throughout the city.


Founded by an unnamed member of the Wayne family, the company was in operations during the early-1900s. It is presumed they built up a vast majority of their wealth through its operations. Under the direction of Preston Wayne, Wayne Industries purchased the Winston Automotors company and rebranded it as "Wayne Motors", laying off most of its existing staff. The company also held another division called "WayneTech", specializing in computer technology.[1]

Wayne Industries presumably helped Bruce during his operations as Batman, allowing him covertly access and manufacture the technologies used in the vigilante's operations. It was also used to arrange business meetings with many of Gotham's richest people, including Max Shreck.[2] Whilst infiltrating the GCPD as an IT technician, Selina Kyle used WayneTech as a reference on her resume.[1]

Behind the Scenes[]

Bruce Wayne's company was never explicitly mentioned in either Batman or Batman Returns. A business card prop was made for the second movie but was never shown on screen.

